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Question: Is my computer incompatible with QVC Program Guide...

 ...or is the IT all confused?  I can never get the program I want with this new formatting.  I click onto Friday 28 and I get Lori's makeup deal.  I click onto London Fly and I get some IT makeup.  Is anyone else having trouble with it?  My computer is fine elsewhere.

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Re: Question: Is my computer incompatible with QVC Program Guide...

Hi @Nonametoday, we are not having any difficulty that I am aware of and I tried the Program Guide and am getting the right shows. Try changing browsers, some are more compatible with QVC than others. 

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Re: Question: Is my computer incompatible with QVC Program Guide...

Thanks.  I am using Chrome.  I will try Mozilla!

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Re: Question: Is my computer incompatible with QVC Program Guide...


I use Chrome and get the program guide.

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Posts: 11,717
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Question: Is my computer incompatible with QVC Program Guide...

@kivah wrote:


I use Chrome and get the program guide.

Maybe I have been hacked.  I had the same experience with Mozilla.  Not going to worry about it.  C'est la vie.

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Re: Question: Is my computer incompatible with QVC Program Guide...

Try deleting cookies and browsing history.