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Queen Letizia In Head To Toe Red

I think she looks great. A red pantsuit is such a statement look. She wore this today in Madrid as she chaired the board of trustees meeting of the Foundation of Student Residences. 











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Re: Queen Letizia In Head To Toe Red



She is always SO stunning in her red clothing choices, IMO!

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Re: Queen Letizia In Head To Toe Red

@Greeneyedlady21 Red is a power color and she certainly looks in charge!  LOVE IT!!!!!!

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Re: Queen Letizia In Head To Toe Red

She previously wore this suit in 2018. I like that she rewears outfits.

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Re: Queen Letizia In Head To Toe Red



I appreciate that too, but when an outfit looks THAT good on you, how could you not wear it more than once!

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Re: Queen Letizia In Head To Toe Red

[ Edited ]

That's gorgeous. She's quite stunning in red though I was expecting to see Queen Latifah. 
I'd be wearing that every chance I got! 

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Re: Queen Letizia In Head To Toe Red

[ Edited ]

She looks absolutely beautiful in this red suit.  I do think the pants need hemmed just a tad though.  That was actually the first thing I noticed.

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Re: Queen Letizia In Head To Toe Red

I think she's one of the most attractive ladies.  I would define her as  simply elegant - always perfect! 

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Re: Queen Letizia In Head To Toe Red

absolutely LOVE this look.....head to toe perfection!

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Re: Queen Letizia In Head To Toe Red

I love the color red and this suit looks beautiful on the Queen.  It fits her perfectly and she appears professional and elegant, a classy look!!!!