Posts: 26
Registered: ‎08-29-2013
Is the fabric hot in dream jeans. Seems knit is heavy. I live in Texas. Don’t think fabric would work for 90 plus degrees...I wish she would offer a cotton option. Without knit.
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@gejordan   Hi there!  I have a few pairs of dream jeannes and they are actually not heavy at all.  I find them pretty comfortable.  I live in the northeast and wear the capri lengths all summer.  Hope this helpsSmiley Happy   I love the tees too!

Posts: 26
Registered: ‎08-29-2013
Thank you Linda.. anyone in Texas or the Southwest?
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@gejordan wrote:
Thank you Linda.. anyone in Texas or the Southwest?

Hi. Texas here.  While I've never worn Quacker Factory Jeans I do wear Flexabelle knit jeans  and capri's by Kim Gravelle and don't find them to hot.  As always it's a personal preference.

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Registered: ‎08-29-2013
Thank you.
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I've worn them to Florida in June and I don't find them or Quaker factory T shirts hot at all.



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@gejordan    Trust me...Dream Jeannies are too hot for Texas in the summer!  😥

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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 I can't imagine wearing them in the summer either.

I have their regular capris jeans with sparkles on the bottom and I love them but they are thick jeans and I have often thought of getting rid of them because they are too hot for the summer which is when I would wear them!

I agree that a cool breathable cotton is really the only thing wearable in hot hot summers!


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I live in upstate NY and think my Dream Jeannes are too warm in the summer, I can't image Texas.  

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Rochester, New York