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@Andreatoo wrote:

@QPrincess wrote:

I watch nothing live on the Q and record everything of interest so I can skim through the shows. I still do not know how to tell when something is actually live and not a repeat on Q2. My Comcast cable guide does not indicate what is live and what is not.


I did come across this show once as live and set it to record when it was on in the future.

I wish there was a way to tell what is live/new.


'previously recorded' will be on the left above the item graphic.

'Live' is always in the upper right hand corner. They can be difficult to detect but they're there

 They practically blend into the screen!

@Andreatoo  Yes, it does say LIVE on the screen, but if you catch it 1/2through the show, you've missed the other half. It'd be nice to have "set hours" of LIVE PROGRAMMING". 

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@NYCLatinaMe wrote:

@MM13 wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@MM13 wrote:


@Susan LouiseI was thinking maybe the QVC 2 set is on the other end of the building and it's too far to get the items there? But that's just poor judgement and planning I think. I watch the actual shows to see the actual colors/patterns because I don't trust the online pics.

@MM13   I see your point, but if they can grab one color/top, wouldn't the other 3 or more be right beside it? LOL

Exactly! I'm picturing this one intern just grabbing one item from each presentation, running down the halls to the other end of the building, barely holding onto everything, sweat coming from their brows....haha...I'm just kidding with my scenario of course, but I'd really like to know why just one color! LOL

@MM13 @Susan Louise I do think it is to save on productions costs.  You take an item out, you have to put it back.  So take fewer back.  Save on labor.   Instead of graphics, they shoot the computer screen.  Terrible production values.

@NYCLatinaMe   Q2 has never had the same "attention" as QVC...not w/ hosts, shows, or products. It's almost all clearance shows now, a way to get rid of leftovers. Even if you look up the item numbers on line, the prices and offers have changed and sizes so broken/not available that they should donate those items to a worthy cause.

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@MM13 wrote:


@Susan LouiseI was thinking maybe the QVC 2 set is on the other end of the building and it's too far to get the items there? But that's just poor judgement and planning I think. I watch the actual shows to see the actual colors/patterns because I don't trust the online pics.


This reminded me of our Dillard's shoe dept. For many years Dillard's had all of their shoe inventory stored at the opposite end of the mall.  So whenever you told the salesperson what you wanted to try on, they would disappear for 15 minutes before showing up with your shoes to try on. 


This was a major regional mall, so I don't know how the situation could go on for so many years, but it did.  Finally, a few years ago the mall did some remodeling/expansion and Dillard's gained shoe storage adjacent to the store. 


Maybe you're right about QVC2, lol.

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
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@Susan Louise wrote:

@NYCLatinaMe wrote:

@MM13 wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@MM13 wrote:


@Susan LouiseI was thinking maybe the QVC 2 set is on the other end of the building and it's too far to get the items there? But that's just poor judgement and planning I think. I watch the actual shows to see the actual colors/patterns because I don't trust the online pics.

@MM13   I see your point, but if they can grab one color/top, wouldn't the other 3 or more be right beside it? LOL

Exactly! I'm picturing this one intern just grabbing one item from each presentation, running down the halls to the other end of the building, barely holding onto everything, sweat coming from their brows....haha...I'm just kidding with my scenario of course, but I'd really like to know why just one color! LOL

@MM13 @Susan Louise I do think it is to save on productions costs.  You take an item out, you have to put it back.  So take fewer back.  Save on labor.   Instead of graphics, they shoot the computer screen.  Terrible production values.

@NYCLatinaMe  When there are only 4 options, it takes no more labor to move /carry 1 hanger in one's hand than 4. I can see if there are 10-20 options/colors, but that is not the case 90% of the time. However, I can easily handle 15 of my hangers in one hand at the time. I would think they are all stored next to each other if they are the same item. They have always had all the color options available and if not, it would be mentioned by the host as to the reason why during a presentation. That was not the case with the example I gave in a previous post of mine in this thread. Additionally, I mentioned during an earlier presentation of the same item, Carolyn had all the colors available. There literally is no good excuse as to why they are omitting showing all the options. Why bother having a presentation?


Unlike the items being in warehouses to be shipped. I've bought 3+ of a single item in nvarious colors and they would all be shipped from different warehouses. In years past when I ordered more than one of an item, they would be shipped together and at the same time.


@Susan Louise Takes me longer to store 2 things than 1 thing.  If that is not your experience, that is not something I can understand, no matter how many words you use.

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@Shanus wrote:

@NYCLatinaMe wrote:

@MM13 wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@MM13 wrote:


@Susan LouiseI was thinking maybe the QVC 2 set is on the other end of the building and it's too far to get the items there? But that's just poor judgement and planning I think. I watch the actual shows to see the actual colors/patterns because I don't trust the online pics.

@MM13   I see your point, but if they can grab one color/top, wouldn't the other 3 or more be right beside it? LOL

Exactly! I'm picturing this one intern just grabbing one item from each presentation, running down the halls to the other end of the building, barely holding onto everything, sweat coming from their brows....haha...I'm just kidding with my scenario of course, but I'd really like to know why just one color! LOL

@MM13 @Susan Louise I do think it is to save on productions costs.  You take an item out, you have to put it back.  So take fewer back.  Save on labor.   Instead of graphics, they shoot the computer screen.  Terrible production values.

@NYCLatinaMe   Q2 has never had the same "attention" as QVC...not w/ hosts, shows, or products. It's almost all clearance shows now, a way to get rid of leftovers. Even if you look up the item numbers on line, the prices and offers have changed and sizes so broken/not available that they should donate those items to a worthy cause.


@Shanus Maybe your response was for @MM13 and @Susan Louise?  

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@MM13 wrote:


@QPrincessI noticed that my TV guide doesn't say live on QVC 2 either, but I saw a post here that said if you look at the program guide on this site, and the show has a host's name, then it's live. I don't know if that's true yet as I haven't watched enough to know...

@QPrincess @MM13 May be on to something here.  I watched an Italian gold show on Q2 earlier this week because I happened to see the name of the show while scrolling my cable tv guide.  I don't remember seeing any Italian Gold show on QVC in any time in my memory, so I watched this one on Q2 because I love gold jewelry and it would have been new to me.  The show was live hosted by Jennifer Coffey, and she said she would also be hosting the next hour, Jai Jewelry, which I didn't watch.  I just looked at the online weekly program guide for Q2, and see these 2 shows listed with Jennifer Coffey as host, surrounded by show listings with no identified host.  So checking out the online weekly program guide for Q2 for host names might tell you which shows are live in advance. Hope this is helpful.

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They don't appear to have samples of everything they are selling and they've been selling product before actually receiving it. Another thing I've noticed is that when they do have product to show it's often wrinkled hanging on the hanger like they just took it out of the packaging with the crease marks still intact!

I suspect it's all related

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Registered: ‎07-22-2019

@shoesnbags wrote:

@MM13 wrote:


@Susan LouiseI was thinking maybe the QVC 2 set is on the other end of the building and it's too far to get the items there? But that's just poor judgement and planning I think. I watch the actual shows to see the actual colors/patterns because I don't trust the online pics.


This reminded me of our Dillard's shoe dept. For many years Dillard's had all of their shoe inventory stored at the opposite end of the mall.  So whenever you told the salesperson what you wanted to try on, they would disappear for 15 minutes before showing up with your shoes to try on. 


This was a major regional mall, so I don't know how the situation could go on for so many years, but it did.  Finally, a few years ago the mall did some remodeling/expansion and Dillard's gained shoe storage adjacent to the store. 


Maybe you're right about QVC2, lol.

Oh my goodness!!! Those poor Dillard's employees! At least they got in their steps, I guess. LOL

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Posts: 6,828
Registered: ‎01-14-2017

@NYCLatinaMe wrote:

@MM13 wrote:


@QPrincessI noticed that my TV guide doesn't say live on QVC 2 either, but I saw a post here that said if you look at the program guide on this site, and the show has a host's name, then it's live. I don't know if that's true yet as I haven't watched enough to know...

@QPrincess @MM13 May be on to something here.  I watched an Italian gold show on Q2 earlier this week because I happened to see the name of the show while scrolling my cable tv guide.  I don't remember seeing any Italian Gold show on QVC in any time in my memory, so I watched this one on Q2 because I love gold jewelry and it would have been new to me.  The show was live hosted by Jennifer Coffey, and she said she would also be hosting the next hour, Jai Jewelry, which I didn't watch.  I just looked at the online weekly program guide for Q2, and see these 2 shows listed with Jennifer Coffey as host, surrounded by show listings with no identified host.  So checking out the online weekly program guide for Q2 for host names might tell you which shows are live in advance. Hope this is helpful.


@QPrincess I wanted to update my response.  I just noticed there is a live show on Q2 right now (2pm hour on 5/26), Logo, and no host.  So no host identified in the program guide and live programming.  So looking for hosts' name in the program guide for QVC2 will not alert you to all live shows.  So they should upgrade the program guide to identify LIVE shows.