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Yes they're actually meant to be worn as evening gowns. $2,710.00. By that very expensive brand Moncler. And you can accessorize them too, the gloves are $1500.


That's Millie Bobby Brown wearing one at Milan fashion week back in

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Re: Puffer Coat Evening Gowns

That is the most hideous idea yet!! I think it’s just plain ugly!! The price for that “bubble dress” is absolutely ridiculous!!

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Re: Puffer Coat Evening Gowns

Why?????Smiley Surprised

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Re: Puffer Coat Evening Gowns

I hate puffer looking stuff

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Registered: ‎04-18-2013

Re: Puffer Coat Evening Gowns

As Grandma would have said,


"Oh, dear".

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Posts: 14,917
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Puffer Coat Evening Gowns

Maybe for the ladies 8n Alaska...They would be great for outdoor Christmas festivities in the colder regions.

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Registered: ‎06-20-2010

Re: Puffer Coat Evening Gowns

Woman LOL  Looks like those things clowns make out of long skinny balloons and twist into various animals or shapes. 

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Posts: 33,523
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Puffer Coat Evening Gowns

Pointless.  Stupid.

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Posts: 6,572
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Puffer Coat Evening Gowns

Looks like the Michelin lady.

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Posts: 15,359
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Puffer Coat Evening Gowns

[ Edited ]

LOL!!! Woman Surprised You could not pay me enough to wear that. Talk about Michelin Woman.

That's so ugly. Why would anyone wear or buy that???

What happens when it deflates?