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Re: Popular Pink In The 50s.

@Kachina624   In 57 I was ten years old, I remember saying to my father, when I saw that T Bird in teal, white top, with the porthole, "Ooh Daddy, I wish we could get that car, it matches my bathingsuit." Silly girl!


  But in the 70's I did get my teal car, a nine passenger Ford Country Squire station wagon with wood-like side panels.

  It could carry all five kids plus groceries.


  In the 80's I was driving a Cadillac Eldorado,  teal, white top

and white leather upholstery.

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Re: Popular Pink In The 50s.

One of my boyfriends had the Cadillac in the first photo, with the huge fins in the back, which lit up.

Well he went to the junkyard and cut one of the fins off another Cadillac, and welded it onto the roof of his - and it lit up!

His Cadillac was white, but it looked like a Batman car!!  Smiley Happy

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Re: Popular Pink In The 50s.

Awww.......this picture makes me smile 😊 


me and Elvis' Cadillac 😍

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Registered: ‎07-26-2019

Re: Popular Pink In The 50s.

Dated a guy in the early 1970's who had a used T Bird that he painted pink for me !

 Loved riding around town in that car



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Registered: ‎04-28-2010

Re: Popular Pink In The 50s.

I often think that it would be profitable for Ford to re-create a similar model......fins and all.


Even though it would be somewhat expensive, I do believe it would be a 'sell-out.'

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).