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Re: Patients now cancelling & delaying surgical procedures in view of Joan Rivers unexpected death

On 9/10/2014 sidsmom said:
On 9/10/2014 ibb38 said:
On 9/10/2014 HiLo said:

Acupuncture has worked for me in other areas; perhaps now this will be considered as an alternative for potential patients to consider. My medical Dr. loves the idea.

Oh my dear ibb: please try to convince your Dad to continue his dialysis treatments. To do nothing will mean a lot of pain as his body shuts down. I've known people in both of these situations and believe me the dialysis patients do fare better in the long run.

He won't - we tried. He's supposed to go 3x a week and lately he would only go 2x. This past week he only went 1x! My brother is flying in next week to see him but I don't know if he'll be with us still. Hospice will set up the morphine drip. {#emotions_dlg.sad}

I so sorry. Sometimes things are just out of our control. Just make everyday count. Stay strong, sweetie. You can come here for support,

Thanks. It's the serenity prayer big time over here these days! I just hope my brother gets to see him before he passes away.

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Re: Patients now cancelling & delaying surgical procedures in view of Joan Rivers unexpected death

I'm scared more than ever now. If it can happen to Joan then it can happen to any of us.
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Re: Patients now cancelling & delaying surgical procedures in view of Joan Rivers unexpected death

On 9/10/2014 blossompie said: I'm scared more than ever now. If it can happen to Joan then it can happen to any of us.

why would you be scared? Are you 81 and having surgery? Did you think Joan was immortal? Your stating if it can happen to her it can happen to anyone doesn't even make sense. People all over the world die every day in every country, from infants to octogenarians. She was well known as a celebrity but not immune to dying. We all are when our time comes. You need to get a grip.

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Re: Patients now cancelling & delaying surgical procedures in view of Joan Rivers unexpected death

I've had 7 surgeries in the last 22 years (age 30-52) and I also had 2 eye surgeries as a child, prior to age 5. All surgeries were under anesthesia. None of them were for plastic surgery or enhancement. They were disease, organ failure, heart out of control, etc. related surgeries. Just bad luck of the draw.

My life was literally saved in 2 of the surgeries on separate occasions and they were done on an emergency basis. The others were where stuff in me went bad slowly but, ultimately they had to be done.

The trunk of my body is scarred but, I am 52 and healthy as a horse. I go to the gym most days of the week and give it heck. I power walk for 45 min and then hit the weights, etc. Had I sat around and waited for some of the surgeries and put them off, I wouldn't be here right now. If not for others, I wouldn't be half as healthy as I am. No diabetes, BP fine, etc.

In addition, since these surgeries were spaced out over 22 years, I have been privy to many different levels and types of anesthesia. I was only "twilighted" for the 2 heart surgeries and brought back up since I had to be mostly awake for them to test if the operation worked or not, and I was fully under for the other 5 as an adult and the 2 when I was little.

I can tell you that anesthesia has come a loooong way, baby. Particularly in the last 10 years. Gone are the days of vomiting upon waking (and for the next 12 hrs afterward) and feeling stoned to the hilt afterwards. After one of the organ surgeries, I came out of it so quick and so well that I was yakking with the nurse in the recovery immediately after I got wheeled in there. It is incredible how easy you wake up now, how completely you wake, and how much better you feel afterward.

If you have something that you really need done to save you, don't be fearful. Have it done. I say forget plastic surgery, though. I don't understand surgery for vanity purposes when most people have to have surgeries for keeping their bodies functioning. I never really understood that...

ETA: My mother had cataract surgery about 6 months before she died. She knew her heart was failing and she was on her way out. She signed all waivers and then special ones in addition to that and finally was able to find a surgeon who did the surgery in a cataract center. She had a DNR bracelet on her wrist and a signed living will in her purse. She was ready to go if anything popped up. She was awake like most patients and was so happy to be able to watch tv again and to see OK again for the last 6 months of her life.

I guess I came back to write that part to say don't stop your parents from doing what they want to do toward the end...they know what is best for them. I understand it's hard for us "kids" but, they just know when it's their time to go. At the 6 month mark, she stopped all treatment to prolong her painful and tedious heart failure treatments. People know when they are done and it is their perogative even though it makes it hard to let them go...

God Bless you in these troubling times when losing your parents. I know it's very tough.

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Re: Patients now cancelling & delaying surgical procedures in view of Joan Rivers unexpected death

On 9/10/2014 LipstickDiva said:
On 9/10/2014 brii said:

My dad is 83 and was considering implants. I insisted on going with him to the dentist and listening to all that was involved. I put my foot down when the dentist said he would need to be sedated in the office.

There is no way I was going to allow him to be sedated in a dentist's office for something like that. I was talking to the dentist privately while they were x-raying my dad, and I asked him if he was your father would you have him sedated in the office. He said no. So that told me everything I needed to know right then and there.

A few years ago, a 13 year old girl in my area died after something went wrong when she was given IV sedation in the dentist's office to remove 3 teeth and have a 4th worked on. She went into respiratory arrest and was rushed to the hospital but died.

I don't know what they do now but I know when people had wisdom teeth pulled they were sedated.

They still sedate people when they are having wisdom teeth removed. It is sometimes a very involved procedure, especially when they are impacted or something else is going on. Also most of the time they don't pull them out, as much as they cut them out. The gums are slit and the tooth is lifted out of the gums because most of the time the tooth has not erupted above the gumline. If the tooth is impacted or growing sideways beneath the gumline sometimes they are very hard to get out.

People don't realize what an involved procedure "routine" wisdom tooth extraction is-- if the surgeon is not careful he can damage the nerves and lots of things can go wrong, in addition to someone having a reaction to the anesthesia.

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Re: Patients now cancelling & delaying surgical procedures in view of Joan Rivers unexpected death

Has anybody heard about joan's investigation? The dr who was to perform this procedure brought in another to see if she had polyps. She was put under general anesthesia when it should have been a sedation type and when doing general anesthesia should have been done in a hospital. Investigation is still on going,
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Registered: ‎06-18-2012

Re: Patients now cancelling & delaying surgical procedures in view of Joan Rivers unexpected death

On 9/12/2014 bella2007 said: Has anybody heard about joan's investigation? The dr who was to perform this procedure brought in another to see if she had polyps. She was put under general anesthesia when it should have been a sedation type and when doing general anesthesia should have been done in a hospital. Investigation is still on going,
Did u read the latest
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Registered: ‎11-05-2010

Re: Patients now cancelling & delaying surgical procedures in view of Joan Rivers unexpected death

I just had a colonoscopy and endoscopy on Sept 3rd and everyone there was talking about it. I didn't let it stop me but I was concerned because I've never had bit procedures done together. I'm glad I had the procedure! My doctor removed 5 large polyps. It turned out that they are the type that can turn to cancer in 10-15 years. Now I have to have another in 5 years. Glad I kept the appointment!
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Registered: ‎11-05-2010

Re: Patients now cancelling & delaying surgical procedures in view of Joan Rivers unexpected death

On 9/12/2014 Pamula said: I just had a colonoscopy and endoscopy on Sept 3rd and everyone there was talking about it. I didn't let it stop me but I was concerned because I've never had both procedures done together. I'm glad I had the procedure! My doctor removed 5 large polyps. It turned out that they are the type that can turn to cancer in 10-15 years. Now I have to have another in 5 years. Glad I kept the appointment!