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Pat'sBlack and white patterned outfit?...QVC said not theirs....

She had on a pretty cool sort of 1960's pants and matching blouse...either on yesterday or today in the AM (Easter) Very bold print in black & white. Anyone know who makes it?

Sometimes the Q operator says its not QVC, but it turns out to be a Q designer after all.

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Re: Pat'sBlack and white patterned outfit?...QVC said not theirs....

I saw that today. It is very very busy.

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Re: Pat'sBlack and white patterned outfit?...QVC said not theirs....

Looked like target practice...sorry.... Or something Carol Brady would have worn perhaps?
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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Pat'sBlack and white patterned outfit?...QVC said not theirs....

It did nothing for her..........

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