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I like the jacket.  It's a Susan Graver denim jacket: A641718, $95. 

Pat's color is called Croissant. The other colors are Medium Indigo, White, and Pink.  I'm not buying because I own a couple of denim jackets styled with the ruffled hemline from White House/Black Market and DG2.  

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Re: Pat's Sunday Show

[ Edited ]

A host mentioned yesterday that autumn clothing was already arriving at warehouses and "summer" clearance shows are scheduled for later in June.


The colors chosen could be subliminal signaling.



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@Trix @Thanks! I was just going to search for it!

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Have to disagree with this one, I think she looks really cute but she usually does. At least she's not wearing the long sleeved Barefoot Dreams sweaters!

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Re: Pat's Sunday Show

[ Edited ]


@alohakz wrote:

Pat looks like she's ready to go apple picking & it's June 2nd:



Maybe she is going to pick apples up at the grocery store on the way home.  I think it's a cute casual year round outfit.  


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In her defense, not that she needs it, but it's freezing in that studio.  I love her & hope she never leaves, especially when she & Jane Brown are together.  She & Jane are so fun to watch & informative of the product they are presenting instead of all the silly nonsense & shouting.  Heart

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@alohakz wrote:

Pat looks like she's ready to go apple picking & it's June 2ndCat LOL

no worries they will start with pumpkin and apple picking soon

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I don't like those headbands she wears.  Looks like it's something for a little girl and not a grown woman.

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I think it's the color of the shirt underneath giving it a more Autumn look. A cream colored tank or t would lighten it up ,and pick up the bag color.

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Pat is middle of the road. She gets to business, is informative and doesn't play games.

That's all we need. She is humble and doesn't make this about herself.

She's a relaxing show and if I'm inclined to purchase, it's usually with Pat's Show.