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why not change out PM Style for a 2 hr Inspired Style with Amy. she has proven herself and actually has real style - and enthusiasm. that would be fun.

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It will no longer be PM Style. I promise you.
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Unless someone is able to totally reinvigorate this show and its concept, I hope they do away with PM Style. It is a tired, repetitive format and should be much better than it is.

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Jayne Brown has the skills and presence to carry that show. I don't think Amy does. She also has a fabulous sense of humor, so it would still be a really funny show. I would watch just as often if Jayne was the new host.

Jane T. also has the skills and presence to carry it, as do a few of the more experienced hosts. Certainly, Shawn K. does, but she's not funny.

QVC should hire Helen Keaney from HSN and groom her for a show like that. She is very funny as well. With some training, she has the personality to carry that show.

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I vote for Sandra or Amy.

Member Since 11/20/2008
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While there are many hosts that I like (and some I don't care for at all), I too, like stevieb watched PMS mainly to watch Lisa. She is whip smart, has a great sense of humor, loves fashion (loves quality fashion even more), always checked the monitor to make sure she looked her best (didn't bother me at all that she did this) and whether you liked her or not she drew you in. She adds glamour and she is FUN to watch! Kathy Levine was the same way. I cannot think of any host currently at QVC that has this type of appeal. QVC has some very good hosts (some I like quite a bit) but they just aren't as fun and exciting to watch as Lisa. IMO.
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On 10/11/2014 Divine said:

I vote for Sandra or Amy.

If those were my choices then my vote is for Amy.
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Registered: ‎09-05-2014

I vote NOT COURTNEY----She would drive me crazy...yakkkkkkk yakk and I think a more refined host

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Colleen Lopez from HSN (wishful thinking I know).

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Registered: ‎04-24-2010

As long as it isn't Jane T. I will be happy. Sorry Jane.