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Re: Opinions on a lovely dress I happen to run across.

@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:

This can be dressed up or down. ie - espadrilles or flats and a straw purse makes it more casual; wearing your hair up makes it more dressy.


I think this would be nice for church but I'd go more casual with the accessories, makeup etc. Personally, I would dress for the occasion regardless of what others choose to do.

@ThinkingOutLoudI could not have said this any better. Perfect advice just do you!

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Re: Opinions on a lovely dress I happen to run across.

I don’t know how this dress fits into your budget.  You may 

consider buying it and hope to have a chance to wear it, even if you won’t wear it to church.  Sometimes we are haunted by 

“the one we didn’t buy.”  Only you can make that decision.

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Re: Opinions on a lovely dress I happen to run across.

[ Edited ]

If you like it buy and wear it where ever you want too!

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Re: Opinions on a lovely dress I happen to run across.



It's lovely!


I would wear it to church.


I still dress for church...doesn't matter to me what other people wear.

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Re: Opinions on a lovely dress I happen to run across.

It's a pretty dress, but I agree with some of the othes....too dressy for church.  A nice dress for date night with your significant other, if you have one!!!!!

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Re: Opinions on a lovely dress I happen to run across.

Would definitely be overdressed for the church I attend.

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Re: Opinions on a lovely dress I happen to run across.

Wear what you like for yourself. As long as you feel you're clean and presentable to me that's what matters. I think it's perfectly fine for church. But it doesn't look tea length to me.

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Re: Opinions on a lovely dress I happen to run across.

@crawford5153You should wear it to church if that's what you would like to do. Life's too short, especially to care what others might think about what you wear to church.

"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
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Re: Opinions on a lovely dress I happen to run across.

A bit too dressy for my church, but who knows what others are wearing in various other churches. 


It depends on the church's local community's / neighborhood's residents, I suppose.   Maybe people 'dress up' in certain areas.  


Around here, it's a large church, lots of everything, mostly very casual, including jeans, etc. 


In the vast scheme of things, it really doesn't matter. 


Nice dress, btw.  Beautiful.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Opinions on a lovely dress I happen to run across.

I think it is perfect for church!  If others don't like it it isn't very Christian of them!  Don't judge someone on their clothes--isn't that right?  They don't want to be judged for dressing down, so it's a goose/gander thing.  


I love the dress!  Wear it proudly!