Posts: 34
Registered: ‎06-23-2017

Which QVC fashion brands would you consider most on trend and in style especially for college age women?

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Maybe Tolani.

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No particular brand in mind, but any type of yoga style clothing.


And perhaps some some of Laurie Felt’s items, like the skinny jeans. 


Most college aged women wouldn’t be shoppping at Qvc 

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I think you need to ask a college age woman. I am not sure that

q would be anyone's idea of  on trend at that age

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Cuddl Duds

Peace Love World

Laurie Felt

Haute Hippie

Kut From the Cloth



All of the jeans designers


Fly London

Miz Mooz



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What's "college age" ? I got my BS in ACcounting at age 53. 


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Honestly, I don’t think you’ll find anything here. I’m in my 40’s and feel like it’s outdated even for me. Plus it’s overpriced for most college budgets. 


Are there certain stores you like to shop at? That would give me a sense of your style. 

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I have two daughters in college.  They wouldn't wear anything from here other than some Barefoot Dreams things.  

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No.     Not even for young career women..........

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