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Oh my gosh! A whole 3-4 lb. turkey breast! What do you do?

Don't make me laugh! Our son expects to eat leftovers most of the week after a holiday. That wouldn't even make sandwiches! I usually do a 25 lb. turkey with a breast in the crockpot to add in. Of course, I do "all the trimmings" too! He expects to have leftovers and he is the main cook at his house, but can't do big meals like this. His wife never learned to cook because of an ever absent mother, and I love her and don't mind doing this for her at all. She is the daughter I never got!

Of course, before, hand I do all the homemade candies and cakes. I do that for friends as their gifts as well. Many of them can't do desserts and it is my pleasure.

How much holiday cooking do you do and for whom?

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Re: Oh my gosh! A whole 3-4 lb. turkey breast! What do you do?

Was he intending to make a 3-4 lb turkey breast?

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Re: Oh my gosh! A whole 3-4 lb. turkey breast! What do you do?

Some of us out here are cooking for two. A 3-4 lb turkey breast plus trimmings is plenty & there are leftovers to enjoy for a few days.
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Re: Oh my gosh! A whole 3-4 lb. turkey breast! What do you do?

I think she is talking about the turkey breasts they were selling earlier. My husband about fell over on that one too. He said are they kidding me because he said the price was out there.

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Re: Oh my gosh! A whole 3-4 lb. turkey breast! What do you do?

On 9/20/2014 VCamp2748 said: Some of us out here are cooking for two. A 3-4 lb turkey breast plus trimmings is plenty & there are leftovers to enjoy for a few days.

I do the same; I buy the biggest turkey breast I can find....usually 5-7 pounds but do 2 of them if everyone is here for dinner...........they all want to take leftovers home with them, especially the turkey and dressing. Last year I just did the turkey and dressing and everyone else brought the rest of the sides/desserts...the cooking skills are varied so we ended up with all store-bought desserts.....nobody counted on that so this year it looks like I will be doing it all. It is really not a chore for me; I love cooking/baking and seeing a tableful of people enjoying me real pleasure!

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Re: Oh my gosh! A whole 3-4 lb. turkey breast! What do you do?

I'm making a turkey breast tomorrow that is just shy of 10 pounds. It just sounded like a good fall meal, with enough left over for sandwiches for a couple of days for the 3 of us. Love club house sandwiches with roast turkey & bacon.

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Re: Oh my gosh! A whole 3-4 lb. turkey breast! What do you do?

I'd suggest that when your son and his wife are cooking the holiday meal at their house, you let them decide what and how much of it to cook. I wouldn't plan to bring any desserts or other dishes without clearing it with the hosts; they may be planning something special on their own. When you're cooking it at your house, it's your turn to call the shots.

For the past several years, our family has had Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant. Lovely!

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Re: Oh my gosh! A whole 3-4 lb. turkey breast! What do you do?

My oven was down on Christmas last year and I could not do my usual 25 pound turkey, so I made a 7 pound turkey breast in the Nesco oven. I also made bbq meatballs and a beef roast in other crockpots to ensure there was plenty to choose from, along with the usual sides and desserts. I usually have 16-20 for dinner so I need a big main course but having several smaller items to choose from worked well too and it was nice having something different for a change. I was panicking without my oven but it all worked out.

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Re: Oh my gosh! A whole 3-4 lb. turkey breast! What do you do?

My husband works retail, so you know where this is going. No big family dinner and football games for us because he has to work - but that's another discussion! Luckily we've been able to squeeze in a short dinner at a restaurant or at my mother's retirement home. It's not like years past, but we count our blessings to be able to be together,if only for a short time!
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Re: Oh my gosh! A whole 3-4 lb. turkey breast! What do you do?

We go to DH's sister's home for Thanksgiving weekend, so I make my Thanksgiving dinner here at Christmas! My family likes the breast only, so that's what I make.

You're a sweet MIL to say those things about your DIL. I hope she knows how blessed she is! Since she didn't have much of a cooking background, could you offer to go over and show her how to prepare a turkey? She would probably appreciate it!

My mom was a great cook, but never cooked Thanksgiving dinner much. We usually traveled long distances to get to family. We did have turkey and ham Christmas eve before church - and oyster stew! YUM! I never paid attention to the turkey. I fixed my first turkey for a few friends and stuffed the wrong end. My next door neighbor had to come over and rescue me! {} That's why I'm guessing she MIGHT really appreciate lessons from you! Wink