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Yet another thread title that reveals nothing about the content of the post. 

“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” -Mark Twain
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Registered: ‎06-17-2020 about a Blast from the Past!!!! 

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Exactly.  And, there's this:  QVC promotes her as their beauty expert.  And their fashion expert.  Tonight she will have the Calista TSV.  I wonder if her hair will at least be out of her eyes? 

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I've never seen Shawn in an outfit that horrendous.  


Anyway, between her bangs and outfit with all the frills, she looks like she's 6 years old.

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@paixmcdao wrote:

Yet another thread title that reveals nothing about the content of the post. 

That's why you open and read it ... to find out.  

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@happilyretiredgirl wrote: about a Blast from the Past!!!! 

A blast from outerspace!

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The ONLY thing  I like in the photo is the gnome on the counter! His outfit is much better than hers!

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Kind of reminds me of a piñata…gone rogue.

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@maximillian OH My....I agree on SK -  looks like she got right out of bed and grab her big glasses and ran to work....

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she was dressed to host a garden event - I think it was even garden day over there - so with that in mind the outfit is right on message.