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Ochre is pronounced OH-ker not okra!!!

Please, please, please fashion host, learn to pronounce this simple word. Okra is a vegetable; ochre (oh-ker) is a color. After a designer (IM) corrects you on the pronunciation, stop saying "oh-ker or okra" each time you refer to it. It is never pronounced "okra" regardless of how much you WANT it to be pronounced that way because you've always pronounced it incorrectly.

OK -- rant over! {}

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Re: Ochre is pronounced OH-ker not okra!!!

Maybe she was hungry

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Ochre is pronounced OH-ker not okra!!!

LOL Didn't see but that's funny.

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Re: Ochre is pronounced OH-ker not okra!!!


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Re: Ochre is pronounced OH-ker not okra!!!

Lord have mercy, I wish I was as perfect as some folks present themselves to be.

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Re: Ochre is pronounced OH-ker not okra!!!

lol I heard her say that. First time i ever heard it pronounced like okra. Thought she was kidding?

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Re: Ochre is pronounced OH-ker not okra!!!

Anyone care to share what item it was, I'd love to watch the video.

Don't Change Your Authenticity for Approval
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Re: Ochre is pronounced OH-ker not okra!!!

On 7/18/2014 Buck-i-Nana said:

Lord have mercy, I wish I was as perfect as some folks present themselves to be.


I'm certainly not perfect BUT when someone more knowledgeable than I corrects my pronunciation of a word, and that person is right, then I try my very best to pronounce it correctly from that point on. I do NOT continue to pronounce it the correct way, followed by the incorrect way, just because I want to make some weird point.

I believe it is important to speak and write correctly within our power to do so -- if a person doesn't know, for example, how to pronounce a word that's one thing. When someone pronounces it correctly for you, you should take note and learn from your mistake. It matters.


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Re: Ochre is pronounced OH-ker not okra!!!

On 7/18/2014 Bird mama said:

Maybe she was hungry


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Posts: 4,450
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Ochre is pronounced OH-ker not okra!!!

On 7/18/2014 brewhaha said:

