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     Of course you can wear one. Hosts and Gili Jill says EVERYONE looks good in the Obi.LOL.

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At least the price has been much lower.  About $49 or so, more or less.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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I'm sure they did order a million of these.


The belts suit some, but certainly not all!

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I can honestly say that I haven't seen a single one being worn by anyone.   Of course, we just had the HOTTEST June on record...................

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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@sparklestar wrote:

@happygolfcartrider wrote:

@KKlim wrote:
Jane is wearing on her accessory show tonite that obi belt w/a cardigan and white jeans. She looks terrible. Yikes..

Unless a person is very small I think they do not look good at all. When the models wear the OBI it looks good except on Jackie, I don't like it on her.

I am very small.  I wear a size 2 but I would not wear one for the simple fact it looks uncomfortable.  Like wearing a girdle outside of your clothing.  I don't want to feel strapped in.  Also I think you would have to keep adjusting it.  It just seems one of those accessories you can't wait to get home and take off.

That is what I think too. IF I were 5'10 and very thin I might wear it.

Don't worry, be Happy!
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the obi would look good on a tall, long waisted women.

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Oh brother I wish they would put this ugly out of fashion item to rest already. Woman Mad

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@birkin baby wrote:



     Of course you can wear one. Hosts and Gili Jill says EVERYONE looks good in the Obi.LOL.

@birkin babyYes, that seems to be the current theme, everyone can wear everything, fortunately, most of us know better.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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The minute most of us sit down and stand up again that belt will be the size of a rubber band.:womanlol:

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well, about two weeks ago I was at a mall and when I walked by Ann Taylor's Windows I had to pause because the mannikens were sporting obi belts.