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I do not like the new page layout...if I want to see a color on a model, I have to scroll up, click on the color, scroll down to see it on the model.  I rarely if ever watch the video I would like the option of having the video disappear from my screen.


I am probably in the minority but making me work to see an item is irritating.

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the "new page layout" hasnt popped up for me yet.

i am on a hp laptop using the edge browser to access QVC.

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I've gotten used to the new layout and now find it easy to navigate. Wish the HSN site was set up similarly.

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@sunshine45    That is interesting.  


I did just look at QVC with the CHROME brower, the video is below the two blocks that show a model and a still photo.  

I can click on the model photo and also click on the color selections  and it changes to the selected color.  


Interesting that the two browsers show different layouts.

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I   LVE the new version...

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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I've seen several posts commenting about the new layout. So odd, mine is still the same. I do appreciate change though so I welcome a new format. We do get set in our ways and sometimes change is difficult. I'm sure QVC did some massive studies to find out what would work best, more efficiently, better visually, etc.. 

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Re: New page layout

[ Edited ]

To me, the new displays are not an improvement. There is no enhancement to scrolling up and down each time I want to view a blouse, for example, in a different color.


Here is what is happening.  I want to see a blouse in blue.  Click on blue, scroll down to see it.  Now I want to see it in yellow. Scroll up to the color choices.  Click on yellow.  Scroll down to see it.  Then guess what is needed to see the green...scroll up, click, scroll down to see it, etc.






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@PhilaLady1   Exactly, it is NOT customer friendly.

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@cjm61 wrote:

I've seen several posts commenting about the new layout. So odd, mine is still the same. I do appreciate change though so I welcome a new format. We do get set in our ways and sometimes change is difficult. I'm sure QVC did some massive studies to find out what would work best, more efficiently, better visually, etc.. 



If you haven't seen the new format how do you welcome the new format?  Most don't care about the studies, how difficult change can be etc, we either like it or don't, it's that simple.  



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It's very strange, but I had the new layout for several days.  Just now I checked a couple of different products, and it's back to the old layout.🤨