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Re: New Year, New You---what Linea are you wearing today?

On 1/26/2015 TheOwl said:

They've moderated the totals for us slightly downward from 31.5 to 29.5 Smiley Wink so we'll see.

Oh, well then, that 2 inches downward forecast makes all the difference---LOL! Be safe. They are talking record books. The only thing I really need is some firewood---but too late now. I took stock of the food, and I'm good, but I think I might go out for a baguette as I have to go to the Post office anyway.

The minute we lose power I'm booking a hotel room at the Holiday Inn 3 miles down the road! I had no heat for 8 days back in Nov 2011 (I think that was the year) when we got hit with that early storm) and I ever want to go through that again---all the hotels were booked---and it was colder inside my house than it was outside!

I've got Blueberry Muffins in the oven right now.

I watched that Advance Style documentary on Netflix last night and it was incredible. It was sooo good, I'm going to watch it again.

"More is more and less is a bore!" Iris Apfel
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Re: New Year, New You---what Linea are you wearing today?

Did my errands earlier this AM and its about a dusting to an inch right now on the ground One of our sons is coming in via train to stay overnight with us, to help us shovel out so of course I had to get extra stuff at the store yesterday.

Just waiting for the phone call telling me he is on his way.

Simple clothing here-- black PK pants and this item A231143 in the red color.

Linea by Louis DellOlio Drape Neck Tunic with Asymmetric Hem

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: New Year, New You---what Linea are you wearing today?

Hurrah for Shoveling Helpers, JustJazz Smiley Happy Enjoy having your son home Smiley Happy

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Re: New Year, New You---what Linea are you wearing today?

Thank you, The Owl!! I will be posting the list within the next few days. Still waiting to see if there are a few more sneak peeks.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: New Year, New You---what Linea are you wearing today?

On 1/26/2015 JustJazzmom said:

Did my errands earlier this AM and its about a dusting to an inch right now on the ground One of our sons is coming in via train to stay overnight with us, to help us shovel out so of course I had to get extra stuff at the store yesterday.

Just waiting for the phone call telling me he is on his way.

Simple clothing here-- black PK pants and this item A231143 in the red color.

Linea by Louis DellOlio Drape Neck Tunic with Asymmetric Hem

JJM, that's a darling top---I missed that one. What's your jewelry today, pray tell?

"More is more and less is a bore!" Iris Apfel
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Posts: 18,002
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: New Year, New You---what Linea are you wearing today?

My watch today!! Its been a busy day!!

I am waiting for my chicken fricassee to finish up cooking on the stove.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: New Year, New You---what Linea are you wearing today?

On 1/26/2015 TheOwl said:

I hit the grocery store at 7 when it opened here Sheesh. They've moderated the totals for us slightly downward from 31.5 to 29.5 Smiley Wink so we'll see. I'm finishing up my preparations today - getting the laundry done etc. There was plenty of milk at Hannaford and got the water I really wanted. We'll be set. We don't have a generator but lots of wood all hauled and stacked on the long farmer's porch and covered to keep dry from the drifting snows. Oil lamps full and trimmed, new batteries stocked in, phones charged - that sort of thing. Keeping the woodstove going and heating the house a little bit more than usual since if the high winds that are predicted here materialize and the power goes out - the house temps will be diving. It could be an interesting week if all this snow materializes and drifts and add in after that the storm on Friday. Smiley Wink And I'm laughing out loud in enjoyment over those snazzy Susan Graver pants!!!! Have a great day and stay safe and warm this week!

So I went to the grocer's a bit after Noon and it was busy, but not insane. Oddly, all the bananas were gone---but I wasn't buying any, and the eggs were critically low, but I have 2 dozen at home already (making spinach, Swiss, mushroom quich tomorrow if we still have power). There was still plenty of everything else---bread, milk. When I was pulling out of the lot, I saw a huge tractor trailer from Garelick Farms delivering milk and whatever else was in that huge truck, so our one and only grocery store in town (called "Big Y") is doing just fine by us. To be honest, I think for my area, they are over-hyping this storm a bit---24" inches of snow is a lot, but not catastrophic---after all this is new England. Be prepared and get off the roads---the only wild card is the potential loss of power if we get icing or heavy snow on the lines---then all my cooking plans go out the window and I'll have to find a hotel that has power. Stay safe.

"More is more and less is a bore!" Iris Apfel
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Re: New Year, New You---what Linea are you wearing today?

We have a whole house generator since we had no power for 2 weeks after Sandy hit and DH needs a constant electric source for his BiPap machine at night as well as an O2 concentrator.

We no longer have 2 back up homes of relatives anymore to stay at in case we did lose power.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: New Year, New You---what Linea are you wearing today?

On 1/26/2015 JustJazzmom said:

We have a whole house generator since we had no power for 2 weeks after Sandy hit and DH needs a constant electric source for his BiPap machine at night as well as an O2 concentrator.

We no longer have 2 back up homes of relatives anymore to stay at in case we did lose power.

Yeah, I should have bought one after that Halloween Storm knocked out our poser for 8 days back in 2011---but I didn't. All hotels were booked, so we really suffered at home with no heat---less than 50 degrees in the house---thermostat doesn't register anything below 50. But memories are short, and I moved on and didn't buy a generator. Could be regretting that soon.

"More is more and less is a bore!" Iris Apfel
Honored Contributor
Posts: 18,002
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: New Year, New You---what Linea are you wearing today?

My generator runs on natural gas and I don't have to worry about getting gasoline or propane to run it. Figure about $14,000 to install this kind of a generator to run your entire house plus you need an electrician, plumber and probably a few permits from your local town.

ETA: that quoted price covers the cost of the people and permits needed to install this generator.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼