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Re: ๐Ÿ’“ National ๐Ÿ’“ Wear ๐Ÿ’“ Red ๐Ÿ’“ Day ๐Ÿ’“- Don't Forget!

Got my red on!  Daughter works in Cardiology!

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Re: ๐Ÿ’“ National ๐Ÿ’“ Wear ๐Ÿ’“ Red ๐Ÿ’“ Day ๐Ÿ’“- Don't Forget!

I've got my red on too but what I really want to know is how @Bird mama 's Presto  expresses his distaste for anything besides white and grey?! That's hysterical! LOL

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Re: ๐Ÿ’“ National ๐Ÿ’“ Wear ๐Ÿ’“ Red ๐Ÿ’“ Day ๐Ÿ’“- Don't Forget!

I would humbly ask that thru out the year, if you are able to donate to charity please consider making a donation to the american heart association or the   american diabetes association . Many americans including myself are affected by these illnesses. 

While I truly  admire all of the charity work that is done for cancer, heart disease is the number one killer of women in this country. Lets try to make a difference and fight for eachother. Doctors often do not even recognize symptoms of heart disease in women. I went down that road myself, initially being told by doctors it is probably stress, and then ended up having cardiac bypass surgery within about 2 months. I truly believe if I had been a male patient with my symptoms I would have been hospitalized right a way. 

We need to make everyone more aware of the prevalence of heart disease in women. 

Thanks  for this thread, it is truly appreciated.

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Re: ๐Ÿ’“ National ๐Ÿ’“ Wear ๐Ÿ’“ Red ๐Ÿ’“ Day ๐Ÿ’“- Don't Forget!


Got my red on!  Daughter works in Cardiology!

@Zhills I forgot to wear red yesterday, and I work in Cardiology! Woman LOL


I don't know what happened this year. They usually collect money for the red pins, but not this year. I forgot about the day until a friend in another cardiology office texted me. 


I hear all the time about the more subtle symptoms that women have during a heart attack. Women don't normally have the sharp pain like men often do. You can get sweaty, nauseous, and fatigued. That's why some people think they have the flu or ate something bad when they're really having a heart attack. One patient had a slight uncomfortableness in her throat, and that was all. It turned out that she was having a heart attack! How many of us would have gone to the ER for that?? Another patient's service dog was jumping around and barking. She thought that it was becaus she just didn't feed him on time. It turned out that he knew she was having a heart attack, and she had no idea!!


Patients tell me their symptoms, and I often think that maybe I wouldn't have called a doctor. These patients are sometimes ignored when they go to the hospital because they don't have classic symptoms, and then their heart muscle ends up being damaged, so be sure to speak up. You know your body best and know when things aren't right. Heart

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Re: ๐Ÿ’“ National ๐Ÿ’“ Wear ๐Ÿ’“ Red ๐Ÿ’“ Day ๐Ÿ’“- Don't Forget!

@Andreatoo  I hand raised Presto from the time she was 4 days old and her eyes hadn't opened yet.  I probably should have worn a variety of colors around her from the time she opened her eyes.  As it is, my uniform at that time was my grey yoga pants and a white tee. 


Sparrows can be funny.  My first two didn't mind colors - they weren't crazy about patterns. Presto doesn't mind color in her environment. 


When it comes to Mama, she became accustomed to me in a white top and gray pants.  She shows her distaste for anything else by flying away from me and not coming anywhere near me.



I don't subscribe to forcing my birds into something they don't like so I have a drawer full of white tops (short sleeve, 3/4 sleeve and long sleeve) and gray yoga pants are my at home staple.


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: ๐Ÿ’“ National ๐Ÿ’“ Wear ๐Ÿ’“ Red ๐Ÿ’“ Day ๐Ÿ’“- Don't Forget!

So glad you posted this. Maybe it will help make others aware. As for me, I did have all the classic symptoms, hard pain center of my chest on mild exertion , with shortnesss shortnmess of breath and elevated  heart rate, a couple of times also vomited , had intermittent swelling in my feet, and an abnormal ekg. I was 39 years old And diabetic since early childhood.  , was told by doctors in cardiac testing initially it was stress. Then they did a cardiac stress test. I only walked for about 4 minutes befor heart rate and bp got extremely elevated with ekg changes and severe chest pain. The doctor reluctantly said , yes it is positive and referred me to the cardiologist. Thank God for him. They did a stress test with the dye and 2 cardolite stress test, one on the treadmill and one without. That lead to a finally a cardiac cath , that showed a 100 % blockage in my LAD. They eventually tried tried to open it up with angioplasty and could not. 

That is why I am such an advocate for the go red for women campagne. With my history and symptoms, I truly believe if i had been a male, he would have been admitted for a full workup instead of weeks and wekks of outpatient testing. It was about 5 months befor I ended up in the OR.  I still have to push my doctors ( different ones now), when I know something is wrong. Have since ended up with 3 stents. 

Ladies, educate yourselves and the women you care about, and be persistant. 

Love to everyone.