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Re: NYT on a "new denim cycle"




I agree that they look terribly unattractive!  That picture doesn't do the pants justice.


My look is totally different.  You'd never know that they are the same pants!



@santorini wrote:


Denim & Co. Regular Stretch Denim Wide-Leg Pant - A367715

Everyone has their own taste but in my opinion, those jeans do not look attractive and they are about 4 inches too short. That's not a look that I will ever wear. 




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Re: NYT on a "new denim cycle"

@jonbon @ALRATIBA @lavendar @santorini @ROMARY 


I do love "paperbag" waist jeans! (and shorts!)

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: NYT on a "new denim cycle"


I saw this too!  I had only started to accept skinny or straight jeans in 2019, before that, just bootcut.  2020 of course was the lost year, but wore straight jeans the few times I left the home.  I guess I am glad I still have my boot cuts and can wear them.  I rarely see any of these big jeans out and about, it's mostly, skinnies, straight, or leggings.  No paperbag pants for me.

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Registered: ‎04-04-2014

Re: NYT on a "new denim cycle"

Nothing being produced these days will ever match the original "mom jeans". They were the unfortunate result of denim with no stretch. A high waist without some stretch is very hard to fit especially when you have hips. Pair that with a narrow ankle and a full leg and you get the dreaded 'mom jean' effect because they don't fit properly through the hips.


I have a couple pairs of jeans that were labeled 'mom jeans'but the only similarity is the high waist 


2F38E754-CC6E-4CDB-8251-0DE1B4243695.jpegThese carried the infamous label but they are a straight leg and not tapered.


FF451378-A93F-4C27-A305-61019A6935D4.jpegAnd these too