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My ring says, "Be True to You". How do YOU interpret that?

I bought it on a whim, but I'm not so sure I can abide by those words.

What does "Be True To You" mean to you?

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Re: My ring says, "Be True to You". How do YOU interpret that?

Putting yourself first. Never settling for less. Following your heart, your beliefs, your morals, etc. "To thine own self be true."

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Re: My ring says, "Be True to You". How do YOU interpret that?

I think it means don't always be influenced by others around you and stand by your beliefs, morals, and what feels right even if not a popular choice. Examples could be fashion, hair, friends, taking a pay cut to do something you've always wanted to do.m
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Re: My ring says, "Be True to You". How do YOU interpret that?

Thanks, ladies. I thought so, too, but when I try to put that into practice I generally upset someone else.

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Re: My ring says, "Be True to You". How do YOU interpret that?


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Re: My ring says, "Be True to You". How do YOU interpret that?

On 1/5/2014 house cat said:

Thanks, ladies. I thought so, too, but when I try to put that into practice I generally upset someone else.

Too bad.

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Re: My ring says, "Be True to You". How do YOU interpret that?

Don't change yourself to please others.

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Re: My ring says, "Be True to You". How do YOU interpret that?

It took me 42 years to accomplish that.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein