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Mixed Media Reversible Jacket

by Guess, in two colors-



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Re: Mixed Media Reversible Jacket

Cute, especially in the lighter color.

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Re: Mixed Media Reversible Jacket

I like it in the lighter color as well @Bird mama. Very cute.

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Re: Mixed Media Reversible Jacket

Not feeling it...

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Re: Mixed Media Reversible Jacket

I like the lighter color too. However I like a longer jacket if for me.

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Re: Mixed Media Reversible Jacket

I don’t like reversible clothing. In my experience they just don’t work and hang correctly. I tried a reversible item once and just didn’t like it. 

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Re: Mixed Media Reversible Jacket

I love it, I would wear it in the black or beige.

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Re: Mixed Media Reversible Jacket

Could you see a 60 yr. old woman in those jeans?

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Re: Mixed Media Reversible Jacket

@Katcat1 Not this sixty plus year old woman, i.e. me.  But I have a best girlfriend forever who is more than ten years older than me and she has a daring sense of fashion flair who could and would wear those ripped jean and pull it off!

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Re: Mixed Media Reversible Jacket

if i had a bigger closet and more disposable income, i would snatch that light one in a minute.