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Re: Misrepresentation of clothing on air

@151949 wrote:

How could anyone possibly design clothing that will fit from an xxs to a 3x and have it be fitted at all? Impossible! Why a customer would expect that is a mystery to me.

I agree.  However, the clothing ought to be portrayed as it is.  If it hangs on the model - so be it.  That would tell me that if I am also thin and didn't want it hanging, not to buy it.  If it's clipped and I don't know it, then I think it might actually fit as it looks on the model - which is deceptive.


I have slim legs - but certainy not slimmer than the models.  It really annoys me to buy crop pants in small or even extra small and then find the legs flare out.  I don't know what they did to make them fit the models, but clearly there was some alteration.

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Re: Misrepresentation of clothing on air

Absolutely know what you mean.  About the only one I trust is Carolyn.  She tells it like it is!

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Re: Misrepresentation of clothing on air

@ECBG wrote:

Absolutely know what you mean.  About the only one I trust is Carolyn.  She tells it like it is!

@ECBG  I think Antonella does too, as I said in another thread.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Misrepresentation of clothing on air

Using clips and what not to make a garment fit is nothing new.  Back in the days of Spiegel, Montgomery Wards and Sears catalogs, it was often done.  More than once I ordered what appeared to be a fitted garment only to have a shapeless garment arrive.


At least on TV you can sometimes get a glimpse from the back.  In catalogs you had a picture and not much of a description.