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Re: Let's post our favorite REALLY BAD fashion product shots!

The rosy red cheeks of the little children
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Re: Let's post our favorite REALLY BAD fashion product shots!

Mine was in a bubble ""do""... my mom kept telling me to comb out the back

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Let's post our favorite REALLY BAD fashion product shots!

On 5/18/2015 gardensla said:


That's Mrs. Chewbacca missy!

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Re: Let's post our favorite REALLY BAD fashion product shots!

You just know this is a size 4 model but thanks to the Q's styling, she looks much larger. Is this anyway to sell clothing?

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Re: Let's post our favorite REALLY BAD fashion product shots!

It's summer so let's give this dressed-up, fully-made-up woman a pair of OARS to hold. Huh?

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Re: Let's post our favorite REALLY BAD fashion product shots!

So much smarter looking than an anchor.
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Re: Let's post our favorite REALLY BAD fashion product shots!

Perfect attire to row, row, row your boat! Makes me feel like singing...
~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~
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Re: Let's post our favorite REALLY BAD fashion product shots!

On 5/28/2015 gardensla said:

You just know this is a size 4 model but thanks to the Q's styling, she looks much larger. Is this anyway to sell clothing?

Hmmm . . . interesting way of looking at this. I saw it and just thought the color combination of the light denim with the pink lace looked nice. The fact that she might look larger than she actually is (and frankly, she doesn't look very large to me in the photo) never even entered my mind!

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Re: Let's post our favorite REALLY BAD fashion product shots!

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎05-29-2015

Re: Let's post our favorite REALLY BAD fashion product shots!

This picture is on nordie's case the pic doesn't post, it's item #1014557...$1472.98! Last time I saw anything remotely like this was in a trailer for the concession stand at the drive-in theatre! And the shoes go with the outfit, don't you think? {#emotions_dlg.scared}

Junya Watanabe Monofilament Mesh Dress

~~~ I call dibs on the popcorn concession!! ~~~