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Re: Lady Gaga -- Is she serious?



Look again: That isn't a tag....both the top and bottom have that tab sewn in place as a " pull up "....weird placement, only seen it on some shoes !

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Re: Lady Gaga -- Is she serious?

She got everyone's attention, which is probably the reason for dressing like that.  I doubt that the outfit is comfortable. 



"The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog."

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Re: Lady Gaga -- Is she serious?

Yes, she is true to herself and she worked hard for her success.  I will be the first to say she has a brilliant voice.  I loved her performance with Tony Bennett. 


Her highly charged outspoken words have been unkind towards public figures. But I choose to enjoy her talent and artistic ability and not be swayed in my opinion based on her derogatory public comments of public figures or stereotypes.  She is selectively "kind and sweet".


Sometimes she is a fashion icon and others she times she is a circus.  Sometimes she is kind, introspective, and sensitive...other times she is publicly cruel and not lovable.  But she always remains a highly talented artist and true to herself.  Being kind is being able to respect regardless of another's highly charged opinions/actions.

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Re: Lady Gaga -- Is she serious?

@Greeneyedlady21 wrote:

That's from last year or maybe two years ago. This is what she wore this week to an awards show, Jason Wu.


That's one thing I love about her- she can wear over the top outfits or classic gowns and look great in both.


What I love most is that she is true to herself and doesn't give a ... what people think about that. She has been through some very difficult things in life and she has persevered. Worked hard for her success.


All you have to do is look at her relationship with Tony Bennett to find out who she truly is. A kind sweet soul.





@Greeneyedlady21 - thanks for your post. I couldn't have said it better.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Lady Gaga -- Is she serious?

Haha--had to laugh!! But....she does have a rocking body and as ridiculous as that outfit is--she wears it well!! the teeny, tiny purse was what made me laugh!!!  

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Re: Lady Gaga -- Is she serious?

She is an exception to my Leggings Are Not Pants thread.  She looks great!


Clearly the outfit is absurd, but she rocks it.

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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Re: Lady Gaga -- Is she serious?

it is just RIDICULOUS.

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Re: Lady Gaga -- Is she serious?

This has nothing to do with politics, and that isn't allowed here as far as I know. No matter how subtle one thinks one is being about it.

By the way this is still America, and she has every right to speak out and no obligation to be kind about an extremely unkind person.
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Re: Lady Gaga -- Is she serious?

People will do or say anything for a buck or for the pub these days. 

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Re: Lady Gaga -- Is she serious?

It's for publicity.  All the stars do it.  Silly outfits gets her interested and name in all the tabloids and all over social media.  And it gets the name of the designers out there too.  The designers give celebs all those free outfits for awards shows, photo shoots, etc and the celebs pay them back by getting their pictures out there in the public eye.  What's really funny is that her butt pads are showing in those shorts.