Valued Contributor
Posts: 822
Registered: ‎04-13-2010
It's beautiful but 248.00 is too much for me.
Honored Contributor
Posts: 54,451
Registered: ‎03-29-2012

@Teacups wrote:
It's beautiful but 248.00 is too much for me.


Your JW blouse (at has just been reduced to $165.  



Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,781
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

You know, the hosts wearing non Q clothing cannot be good for the Q.


What, we buy from the Q but they don't?  I just don't get that logic of

not promoting what you sell.   Sure, I can see them wear NM clothing

on their own time but when they represent the Q, it just makes good

sense to wear what they sell.


Can you imagine how much time is wasted searching online, calling customer service etc.   Just crazy.


Years ago in racing when Dale Sr. was racing in NASCAR, he called the warehouse and asked what hat they had in stock that had the most quantity, sure enough he would wear it on Sunday, fans saw it and cleared the inventory that very week.  True story, I heard it from the "hat guy" years ago at a function.