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Is on WWHN wearing the jacket she will have on HSN.
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She looks like she is from an 80's hair metal band ...
( \_/ )
( " )_( " )
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Agreed-Just got a glimpse and it was awful looking!

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I saw her and she looked gorgeous however her top looked like what I would expect to find on that channel. It disappointed me when I found out. I don't think much of that channel at all. Tacky!

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I saw her and she looked gorgeous however her top looked like what I would expect to find on that channel. It disappointed me when I found out. I don't think much of that channel at all. Tacky!

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I think I DVR'd that so I will look. I'm not a fan of most of Kyle's clothing though. She also wears her clothing ill fitting and it's usually too tight. You can see back fat on her a lot and she's not heavy.

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Winimac, I agree with you. She dresses in a way that makes her look heavier. Do I understand it correctly that she will have her own clothing line on HSN?
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On 2/25/2014 Jerseygirl1266 said: Winimac, I agree with you. She dresses in a way that makes her look heavier. Do I understand it correctly that she will have her own clothing line on HSN?

Yes, from what I heard. I'm certainly not expecting much, LOL.

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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On 2/25/2014 Hildegarde Withers said:
On 2/24/2014 PurpleBunny said: She looks like she is from an 80's hair metal band ...

She would look so much better if she got her hair cut a lot shorter & got an updated style. That long ponytail looks better on a kid in grade school.

It amazes me how many Wives think they look young because of their long doesn't work that way.

Maybe Kyle & Lisa should go together to get their hair done. LOL

Too funny! She loves her long hair, doesn't she? I think she would look great with a bob haircut with bangs.

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Typed her name in at HSN and absolutely nothing in her line appeals to me- in the least.{#emotions_dlg.thumbdown} Not a fan of her style , at all. Nothing wrong with attempting to look younger, but the housewives, for the most part- certainly go about it all wrong. Not working for them !{#emotions_dlg.sneaky}

You'll find my heart at the Rainbow Bridge. Smiley Sad