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She sure has had a lot of shows on lately.

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I find that a good thing & I am happy to see the QF has been having more shows.

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I guess it all comes down to what sells and the profit QVC makes off the sales.  I would imagine, each company,  aside from any company/vendor QVC has ownership or interest in, negotiates a contract.


I rarely purchase anything online anymore, but I have gone to the QVC outlet and purchased a few of Kim Gravel's items.  Sadly, I was not too impressed with her line.  I know a lot of people like her items but, personally, I was disappointed in how one item laundered and the workmanship on the other.   Glad I didn't spend anywhere near the cost of her online prices.    

Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life!
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I find Kim's tops, at least the ones I own, to be of marginal quality.  She always uses pretty much the same colors and the styles are similar.  Her jeans stretch out of shape.  I'm not a fan of the clothes but she's charismatic and I enjoy watching.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I have over the years had some hit and misses in a lot of lines the Q offers.  I have learned a lot since I started purchasing years ago. 

I don't need a lot of clothes but I enjoy clothes so I shop around.  Prices seems to be high on some things and in some lines more than others.  

I like Kim's line but not everything is for me.  I do like some of her pants and tops and have a few.  

I like to watch Kim.

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The vendors need to make hay while the sun shines because customers will eventually tire of most of them.  

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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

50.00 for shorts is pretty hefty plus tax and shipping can get close to 60.   Kohl's for me

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There us NOTHING special about her OVERPRICED clothing line - RATHER boring.

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Registered: ‎07-15-2016
Generally not a fan of her or her clothes, BUT last year she had a crushed velvet big shirt… I bought 2 of them.

Posts: 66
Registered: ‎02-05-2012
I find her too LOUD & just plain annoying! She needs to calm down & talk more normal. Fakey...