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Re: Kim Gravel sweater - your opinion

[ Edited ]

@San Antonio Gal 


Did you see the other post about the sweater?  Not mentioning or caring at all if it's a duplicate post, just brought it up because it was mentioned how it looked on Mary while presenting it on set.


Oh my not flattering.  

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Re: Kim Gravel sweater - your opinion

no way -----not a good look

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Re: Kim Gravel sweater - your opinion

@San Antonio Gal - Yes, this would definitely bother me! LOL!





I love Kim's items and have quite a few, including sweaters. She had a pretty, striped one on not that long ago. One of the stripes went right across the bust line, which would have made me self conscious. I would have loved to have had it, but. . .   Smiley Wink

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Re: Kim Gravel sweater - your opinion

I don't wear things like that.  The placement is terrible.

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Re: Kim Gravel sweater - your opinion

It could be worse.  Thankfully it's only daisys and not bullseyes.


I suspect not many will be sold.

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Re: Kim Gravel sweater - your opinion

[ Edited ]

Not cute or classic or smart looking, or even a good "novel" type sweater, if that's what you're going me. Plus, looks, like so much does cheap materials. The bottom band looks thin and shapeless, and like it'd stretch out after one wash. 


No, no, and no. For me. 🌼


Oops, UPDATE...just fully read your post @San Antonio Gal Yes, that placement is a NO for me too.

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Re: Kim Gravel sweater - your opinion

I saw that sweater this morning and thought no one over 4 should wear that sweater and I didn't even notice the placement. Is the "designer" a 3 year old girl?  I can't imagine a grown woman of any age wearing that.

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Re: Kim Gravel sweater - your opinion

The placement of the daisies does not bother me, but it is not a sweater I like well enough to purchase.

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Re: Kim Gravel sweater - your opinion

@San Antonio Gal 

Yes, the placement bothers me, and I would never wear it. I don't mind the whimsical design, but the placement IMO is terrible.


Some posters said it would look better if Mary wore her correct size. She was in a small, but she looks more like a medium to me. Even so, I think it's rather puzzling that no one in the design process thought the placement might be an issue for some women. 

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Re: Kim Gravel sweater - your opinion

The mantra for real estate of location, location, location, applies to this sweater tenfold! @San Antonio Gal