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Re: Keratin and Isaac

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@Lovedishes    She's always says her height 5'7" xxxxxxs

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@Teddixat wrote:

@Lovedishes    She's always says her height 5'7" xxxxxxs


That's Jen Coffey.

Kerstin is 5'9, and she talks about it here, at 1:40 into the video.



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@Linda0215 wrote:

@Trinity11 wrote:

@Catch71 wrote:

I've been watching Kerstin with Isaac this morning, and all I can say is she sure makes everything look good!  I have to remind myself that she is 5'9" and slim, and I am 5'1" and not slim!  However, she works for her shape. She just mentioned that she is up everyday at 4:30 am doing squats!  I admire her for her energy level!  Isaac must be thrilled to have her modeling his clothes!

@Catch71 She said she is 5'5 and shared that she eats 1200 calories a day. She takes supplements and exercises. 

1200 calories a day is the caloric requirement for a toddler.  She's basically starving herself.  She's probably not as healthy as everyone thinks.  To each his own I guess.  Seems really restrictive to me. 

Not to mention, she promotes intermittent fasting and other things that are potentially unhealthy for some people, such as cold plunges (not appropriate for folks with heart conditions,) she advocates adding salt to your drinking water, which obviously isn't good for someone with hypertension. She issues NO medical disclaimers and presumes to be an "expert" at things she clearly knows nothing about.  It would not surprise me if QVC is faced with a lawsuit over Kerstin's advice. A disclaimer would be all that is necessary to protect them, but for some reason, they never issue one, they let her speak without hindrance. 


1200 calories a day for someone Kerstin's height, over the long haul, is eating disordered behavior, if, in fact, that is what she claims. Not healthy at all.

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Re: Keratin and Isaac

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Posters have to keep repeating that she's 5'9".  Sheesh!  She IS 5'9" and some people still refuse to believe it. And I don't think there's anything wrong with her body.  She's thin and fit. Ballet dancers develops muscles like these.  And she looks great in clothes.

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@songbird wrote:

Posters have to keep repeating that she's 5'9".  Sheesh!  She IS 5'9" and some people still refuse to believe it. And I don't think there's anything wrong with her body.  She's thin and fit. Ballet dancers develops muscles like these.  And she looks great in clothes.

There's a question about Kerstin Linquist's height?? Well, it might be difficult to be exact, unless she herself has stated her height. But she's very tall and yes, I agree with you, @songbird, I would definitely believe Kerstin is 5'9.