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Re: Kelly Clarkson In Head To Toe Latex

I usually see the beginning of her TV show.  I tune in to see what unflatteringly outfit her stylist has her wearing and to hear what song she is singing.  I love her personality and think she is a nice person.  As far as this black latex just no...enough said.

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Re: Kelly Clarkson In Head To Toe Latex

It's horrible from head to toe.

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Re: Kelly Clarkson In Head To Toe Latex

I really like Kelly Clarkson, and congratulations to her for losing the weight. I would not however have worn latex. It will be so hard to get that off, especially if she sweats in it, and think about how uncomfortable feeling she will be in that for hours....No she could have shown her weight loss another way in another dress.......

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Re: Kelly Clarkson In Head To Toe Latex

As mentioned, she wanted to show off her weight loss.  


I don't think I have ever seen her wedding dress before; she looked beautiful in that picture.

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Re: Kelly Clarkson In Head To Toe Latex

I don’t like the dress. Way too tight, shiny, and wrinkled. Wouldn’t matter who’s wearing it.

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Re: Kelly Clarkson In Head To Toe Latex

I am so going to burn in hell, but all that latex reminded me of an episode of CSI.  The episode name was Squeegel.  A killer dressed in head to toe latex and he spider walked, oh, and carried a straight razor. Still creeps me out in reruns.


She is very cute and has a great voice. But no on that dress.

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Re: Kelly Clarkson In Head To Toe Latex



Allow me: The latex, which is the subject matter of the thread, looks very uncomfortable, cheesy and, as someone else said, "sticky."

I'll refrain from the obligatory compliments about her voice, makeup, etc. 😉

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Re: Kelly Clarkson In Head To Toe Latex

This would be a vote of NO.  I dislike those pointed shoulders.  I don't like the bold makeup or those heavy hoop earrings. 


Maybe if she were attending the premier of 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' this would work.


She is a very good singer though.  Woman Tongue

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Re: Kelly Clarkson In Head To Toe Latex

She's lost a lot of weight.  It's an awful outfit.  It might not have been quite so bad if she skipped the those hooker boots and wore pumps instead.  

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Re: Kelly Clarkson In Head To Toe Latex

Kelly has had 2 children and looks good.  I am not crazy about the dress but Kelly tends to go for unusual clothes.  There are some singers and actors that just do not have good taste in clothes.

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