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Karen is a model and singer/songwriter, she married Lee Foster yesterday. He owns Electric Lady recording studios in NYC, it's a famous recording studio.


Her dress and her daughter's bridesmaid's slip dress were custom made by Valentino.




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Re: Karen Elson's Wedding Dress

Taylor and Travis attended the wedding, Taylor wure a dress by Zimmerman. Travis looks underdressed for even a casual wedding if it was a more casual wedding





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Re: Karen Elson's Wedding Dress

Karlie Kloss also attended, I think her dress is beautiful and I love the color



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Re: Karen Elson's Wedding Dress




Singer Lana Del Rey also attended, I love her little handbag




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Re: Karen Elson's Wedding Dress

I think Taylor looks underdressed.  Her dress looks like it comes from one of those sites that pop up on the side of my computer.


Katie's dress is beautiful, (I dont' know who she is).  I hope she's not overdressed for the occasion?


I have no idea what I would wear to a wedding nowadays.  The last wedding we were invited to was at a park and outdoors, which was taking a chance for August.  No tents.


I didn't go, but looking at the pics, it ranged from cargo shorts to dresses like Kloss wore.  Maybe there isn't a dress code scale anymore.

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Re: Karen Elson's Wedding Dress

wedding dress is awful !   What is that corsage like thing in the middle🙀

the other 2 dresses are very pretty .  Especially the burgundy one .  I have no idea who they are except for Taylor swift.

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Re: Karen Elson's Wedding Dress

Karlie Kloss is a model, she is also known for her free computer coding camp for young girls. I believe it's called Kode With Klossy.

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Re: Karen Elson's Wedding Dress

the only look that i really like is taylors.


the wedding dress and her daughters dress are not at all attractive. havent heard of any of them other than taylor and travis.

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Re: Karen Elson's Wedding Dress

@sunshine45 Agree. I always enjoy seeing what Taylor is wearing and I really like her dress. The others, not so much.

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Re: Karen Elson's Wedding Dress

@Greeneyedlady21  The brides dress, to me, looks so romantic. It was probably just what she wanted. Her daughter looks so angelic. Great job by Valentino.


Travis might be wearing a Vivienne Westwood shirt? Looks like her logo to me. I don't know for sure.


Wedding attire for guests nowaday is so different than what I grew up with. It's kind of nice to be more relaxed about what fashion you want to wear.


Thanks for the post.