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Re: Jill Martin new Creative Director of G.I.L.I

On 3/11/2015 taja123 said:

I don't really think the Q wants another Queen Bee,, or another Face of the Q. It's not necessary and probably causes a lot of consternation among the employees. Let them all be hosts. Like the saleswomen they are, some more able to pull in the sales regularly. Give bonuses to the hosts who sell the most annually. All this "face of the Q," "Diva," Queen," "choice assignments" should go by the wayside. Not necessary and does not make for good colleague relations.

The cream always rises to the top. No one has to say "this is the queen bee." It will be obvious. It may be honey and it may be cream, but all will know. It goes without saying. And any organization that will not encourage excellence needs to be placed in the dinosaur museum.

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Re: Jill Martin new Creative Director of G.I.L.I

On 3/11/2015 namealreadytaken said:
On 3/11/2015 taja123 said:

I don't really think the Q wants another Queen Bee,, or another Face of the Q. It's not necessary and probably causes a lot of consternation among the employees. Let them all be hosts. Like the saleswomen they are, some more able to pull in the sales regularly. Give bonuses to the hosts who sell the most annually. All this "face of the Q," "Diva," Queen," "choice assignments" should go by the wayside. Not necessary and does not make for good colleague relations.

The cream always rises to the top. No one has to say "this is the queen bee." It will be obvious. It may be honey and it may be cream, but all will know. It goes without saying. And any organization that will not encourage excellence needs to be placed in the dinosaur museum.

I'm all for "excellence." The hosts who sell the most should be acclaimed.

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Re: Jill Martin new Creative Director of G.I.L.I

Q decided with this decision to compete with HSN-Joy Mangano and Evine-Chris Scanlon to sell hangers/organizational items. That is the "new" of this Q decision. I wouldn't buy fashion or accessories from any of these sources. Jill is not a good hire for fashion, despite her statement that she stepped right into fashion, becoming an expert after college, lol. Yes, if only it worked that way!

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality ~  Dante Alighieri
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Re: Jill Martin new Creative Director of G.I.L.I

I wasn't impressed with some of her previous shows. I hope Q doesn't designate another "Queen Bee." I'm enjoying seeing a variety of the hosts now. Some will probably gain more confidence, etc. by getting more prime time shows. I don't think they all need shows with their name attached either.

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Re: Jill Martin new Creative Director of G.I.L.I

Actually IMO Q has already tried to anoint another queen bee with Shawn taking over PM Style. That will work for those who like Shawn, but not for everyone.

Appointing Jill as the new face of GILI, well, as I said earlier that is pretty much a piece of "who cares" news for me.

I'm voting with my wallet and the lack of interest that QVC's programming holds for me.

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Re: Jill Martin new Creative Director of G.I.L.I

The thing with the GILI line is I think a lot of the people who shopped it were LR fans. Not all, but many. The line has more to do with what she likes than any kind of fabulous quality features. I don't see people paying the higher prices for a LR line when she is not here to push it.

Adding: Unless there is a name change in the works. That wouldn't surprisem me at all.

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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Re: Jill Martin new Creative Director of G.I.L.I

Seems like a stretch to me.

I truly thought they'd let this play out with whatever was in the pipeline and then kiss it goodbye.

We'll see what a year from now brings.

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Re: Jill Martin new Creative Director of G.I.L.I

Congratulations to you Jill, I have often seen you on the today show with your "Steals and Deals".

I'm having a hard time understanding exactly how the G.I.L.I line can be continuing now that Lisa Robertson has left.

I'm not a huge fan of any of the hosts in particular I go to QVC to shop and just as if I was in a store I hate being pushed into buying things I don't want. To me they are sales people.

Having said that Lisa Robertson was the person who would say "got it love it" for years before there was a G.I.L.I line. I think we are smart enough to know she was only a part of the line but I feel she was a BIG part. Therefore I feel the name of the line should change.

I have seen a feeding frenzy since Lisa left of people trying to get more air time. I love the line up on Monday night, great job to Amy and Shawn.

Jill Bauer must have more friends than anyone I have heard of since she is friends with everyone except maybe Lisa...just a though.

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Re: Jill Martin new Creative Director of G.I.L.I

On 3/11/2015 VAbelle said:

Anything NEW will be welcomed. Jill is upbeat and fresh. I do like the "new set" design for the fashion shows. Thankfully, QVC is trying to give us "changes" .... the old was getting stale.

Yes! I'm 'still' wishing her well. And, also, maybe her Steals and Deals will be reflected in a few more affordable GILI items. A fabulous $48 GILI leather clutch ,which was recently offered, comes to mind.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Jill Martin new Creative Director of G.I.L.I

Jill Martin is cool. I'm looking forward to seeing what she does with the line.