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Re: Jennifer Garner's Rainbow Sweater



How come everybody had such great clothes in the 60’s? The fashionable items which are the brunt of so many criticisms today are exactly the ones I never had hoo poor me but it is true. 

I had to beg for every item of clothing I ever had... until I had a job and could buy my own.💋


Yes, ITA, JG probably had an awful time with BA...he seems to care for nothing /nobody but himself!


~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Jennifer Garner's Rainbow Sweater

@LTT1 wrote:



How come everybody had such great clothes in the 60’s? The fashionable items which are the brunt of so many criticisms today are exactly the ones I never had hoo poor me but it is true. 

I had to beg for every item of clothing I ever had... until I had a job and could buy my own.💋


Yes, ITA, JG probably had an awful time with BA...he seems to care for nothing /nobody but himself!


@LTT1Didn't we have beautiful clothes in the '60's?  II worked too and bought the beautiful fabrics of Ladybug and Villager.  I'd love to have those sweaters now!  The skirts were short.

I did not like what women were wearing at that time. I never liked the fashion of that decade.  As a young teen, I was suffering from a design drought.  I did collages by the dozen from magazine pages putting together the principles and elements of design.

I much prefered the look of Katherine Hepburn.

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Re: Jennifer Garner's Rainbow Sweater

Negative on the sweater(s).

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Re: Jennifer Garner's Rainbow Sweater

That second sweater is Doctor Who-ish.

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Re: Jennifer Garner's Rainbow Sweater

The first photo appears to be a "Pride" sweater. Love Jennifer..... The sweater is beautiful on her.

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Re: Jennifer Garner's Rainbow Sweater

@SilleeMee wrote:

That second sweater is Doctor Who-ish.


Maybe that's why I like it? 😉

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Re: Jennifer Garner's Rainbow Sweater

I'm not a fan.

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Re: Jennifer Garner's Rainbow Sweater

@San Antonio Gal wrote:

Her new flame kinda has the Ben Affleck look:


Image result for jennifer garner and new boyfriend

 mixed with Michael Vartan (another ex)

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Re: Jennifer Garner's Rainbow Sweater

I loved the male clothing of the 60's. Velvet, paisley jackets( think Jimi Hendricks), silk scarves, skinny bellbottoms, long curly hair, beatle boots. Men were more beautiful than rugged in those days.

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Re: Jennifer Garner's Rainbow Sweater

I like Jennifer Garner, but I must confess that I think her casual wardrobe frequently looks fairly pedestrian and a little sloppy.