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Re: Jennifer Coffey's Colors

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@beach-mom wrote:

@ECBG wrote:


*************************Oh!  That's So interesting!  You must have had an amazing time!  Carole was such a leader and opened up so much up for all of us!  I would have just loved the opportunity to be around her!  Thank you so very much for sharing this!!!


YW! But I didn't meet Carole. One of her assistants came up from Virginia to train a few of the stylists in seasonal color typing, and the salon was going to sell her new makeup line. Because I was lucky enough to be asked to be a model for the trainer, I got color typed and she later sent me a small sample of swatches. I carried those around for a long time, but the bottom line is I learned back then what colors I look best in! It was fun! 


Your students were lucky to get the benefit of your knowledge too! I'll bet there were some who had no idea what colors looked good on them until then. It's amazing to see the difference in some people! Smiley Happy


I'm thinking Jacque Gonzalez is a "Winter." What do you think? She seems to look great in gem-toned colors! 

************************Of course, everyone has to be draped, but Jacque is a "classic winter".  Think Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Collins. I'm a "light winter", the lightest olive you will ever see and always had ashe blonde hair with dark hazel eyes. I have been draped twice and multiple times at each place!  I have to use Clinique Repair Wear flundation in #3-"no color".  

The students could see the green under my eyes and around my mouth all the way to the back of the room when I draped myself!


So many women make the mistake of only looking at their "caboose" in the mirror when they buy clothes and forget to see what that color does to their face!

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Re: Jennifer Coffey's Colors

[ Edited ]

I like her but I am afraid I would not take her advice on gaging products. I think she is in her 40's and in my opinion not aging well, it's something about her skin that is not youthful, maybe she needs better make up..Oh and those fake lashes looked like they were falling of today.. yikes.. I would try to go with real and more mascarra,, it would be awful if one fell!

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Re: Jennifer Coffey's Colors

She needs an updated hair style.  Can't watch her.  Sorry, Jennifer!!!!!

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Registered: ‎01-20-2013

Re: Jennifer Coffey's Colors










I think Jennifer wants to look like a teenager, she acts very silly, not serious in her presentations..........