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Italian shoe brand-Barefooters

Has anyone tried these shoes/sandals? Look good-comfort, design, and washable including the inserts.

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality ~  Dante Alighieri
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Re: Italian shoe brand-Barefooters

I'd never heard of them until this morning when I saw them on HSN. I ordered a pair, so I'll let you know how they work out for me!

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Registered: ‎03-27-2014

Re: Italian shoe brand-Barefooters

On 5/28/2014 Buck-i-Nana said:

I'd never heard of them until this morning when I saw them on HSN. I ordered a pair, so I'll let you know how they work out for me!

Cool! Nice to see interesting European designs and the pricing is good + free shipping. Yes, please post your review. I'm still thinking about it...

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality ~  Dante Alighieri
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Registered: ‎03-27-2014

Re: Italian shoe brand-Barefooters

Wonder about arch support. Those walking shoes look great, but can you really use them to walk for exercise or all day when traveling?

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality ~  Dante Alighieri
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Re: Italian shoe brand-Barefooters

I bought 2 pair, the Kilkee (more sandal like shoe) and the classic. I ordered the same size in both, the 8 1/2, the Kilkee is way too short with my big toe actually coming just over the front. If I go up 1/2 size in the Kilkee, it looks like my pinky toe would be popping out the, the Kilkee will be going back.

The classic fits better, but the shoe is just a hair shorter than the standard 8 1/2, so while my big toe doesn't rub up against the front, it is closer than normal fit for me. I was surprised at the weight of the shoe, it is a bit hefty when you pick it up, but I don't notice the weight on my foot. It is very comfy, the massaging insole is a bit different, I'll have to let you know how I like that after wearing it for a while.

Arch support, nope, not really. If that's a necessity for you, you'd need to put an orthotic in the shoe. I'm the sort that only wears anything on my feet if I'm going outside and farther than my property line.

One more thing. The insole of the Kilkee is totally different from the insole for the classic. The Kilkee insole is not the massaging insole.

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Posts: 28,905
Registered: ‎03-27-2014

Re: Italian shoe brand-Barefooters

On 6/3/2014 Buck-i-Nana said:

I bought 2 pair, the Kilkee (more sandal like shoe) and the classic. I ordered the same size in both, the 8 1/2, the Kilkee is way too short with my big toe actually coming just over the front. If I go up 1/2 size in the Kilkee, it looks like my pinky toe would be popping out the, the Kilkee will be going back.

The classic fits better, but the shoe is just a hair shorter than the standard 8 1/2, so while my big toe doesn't rub up against the front, it is closer than normal fit for me. I was surprised at the weight of the shoe, it is a bit hefty when you pick it up, but I don't notice the weight on my foot. It is very comfy, the massaging insole is a bit different, I'll have to let you know how I like that after wearing it for a while.

Arch support, nope, not really. If that's a necessity for you, you'd need to put an orthotic in the shoe. I'm the sort that only wears anything on my feet if I'm going outside and farther than my property line.

One more thing. The insole of the Kilkee is totally different from the insole for the classic. The Kilkee insole is not the massaging insole.

Thanks Buck-i-Nana for your review. I thought they look cool and comfy. I could wear casually without arch support, but not for walking any major distance as they suggest. Hope you enjoy!

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality ~  Dante Alighieri