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In Style magazine will no longer be published

Frankly I think they lost their way many years ago. I used to remember the back to school issue, about twice as thick as the normal monthly issue.  The makeup ads were my bible on new trends. The clothing was a bit "out there," but I could see trends in my stores. So after moving to a rural area and searching many stores for magazines, I replied to a mailer.  What a disappointment.  Apparel shown is way too expensive. The celebrities shown were usually in suggestive poses, for what reason I can't fathom. I did a search on here and no one else has seemed to notice or care. Sad for the people losing their jobs. RIP the excellent magazine this used to be.

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Re: In Style magazine will no longer be published

I get the magazine for free through Fetch, it isn't even worth it for free. When I was much younger I subscribed to the magazine and enjoyed, it has been terrible for years. 

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Re: In Style magazine will no longer be published

Years ago I too loved In Style and subscribed for years.  I agree that it just went down hill and became something I just stopped reading.  Still sad to hear that another thing I used to enjoy is gone......

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Re: In Style magazine will no longer be published

I used to love Vogue and subscribed for many many years until they lost their way quite some time back.

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Re: In Style magazine will no longer be published

I pulled my subscription years ago.  ALL they wanted to do was put in pictures of "ball" gowns.  Very little "real" fashion.  Ball gowns aren't practical for real life for goodness sake!


In Style promised all of this wonderful information on their cover; the items were 1-3 pages, then they became political!  They killed themselves.


We can get politics anywhere.  Really!

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Re: In Style magazine will no longer be published



If you really were studying fashion, and planning additions to your wardrobe, not makeup adds, Bazaar was wonderful.


They had some powerful ideas with prices and accessories.  All you needed was money!  We weren't speaking of high designer, either.

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Re: In Style magazine will no longer be published

Not surprised by this decision. 

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Re: In Style magazine will no longer be published

I just this minute signed up for a 2 year deal for Vanity Fair for only $16!  That is unreal.


The mailer I received a week or two ago says the 1 year cover price is $90.90.  No way would I pay that!


But it said if I ordered online at vanityfairdotcomslashsave203A, I get the $16 deal.  Is my math way off or is that 67 cents a copy?  I don't know how they even do that.  And I made sure I ordered the printed magazine and not online only reading.  


Plus, I get a free gift which is usually a plastic tote that smells so bad I pitch it or leave it in the garage for my husband to throw golf balls in for practicing around the


I don't know how they can keep their heads above water at those prices.  My luck, they'll go down the tubes and I'll be out $16 in the next year.


The last issue I got for a coast to coast flight in Jan was thin.  I totally ignore their editorial (and their editor), but the articles can make me forget I'm in a plane for 5 hours.  So it's worth it. 


Great for reading on the beach, too.  Books-- I have to worry about getting sunscreen all over the pages.  A magazine, no worries.

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Re: In Style magazine will no longer be published

This used to be one of my very favorites!  It was thick and full of fun stuff!  It kept getting thinner and thinner and hardly anything useful at all!  I saw the writing on the wall!  I just got a notice from them saying that it was not being continued and I was offered to get the remainder of my subscription transferred to People or to have the money returned to me.  I have always been a lover of magazines and have always subscribed to many.  It has made me sad that many of my favorites are gone.  Family Circle, Ladies Home Journal, Glamour, Mademoiselle, More, McCall's -- and the list goes on and on!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: In Style magazine will no longer be published

[ Edited ]

Stopped my subscription several years ago. Most of the info became irrelevant to my age & lifestyle. I always loved looking at fashion magazines back in the day. I don't have any subscriptions to any of them anymore.