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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: In Style magazine will no longer be published

These magazines are looking for bodies, that's why some are so cheap or even free.  I do remember HSN offering free subscriptions with certain purchases years ago..  They need numbers to sell to advertisers.  I was getting the New York Times online for a dollar aweek for two years.  The price would jump and I would call and they would go back to the dollar deal.  A friend said "I feel guilty because I can afford the regular price."  Silly girl.  They need those numbers more than subscription fees.  Take it as long as they will do it.  P.S  I did quit because I was attending to DH's recent health problem.  He's now OK.   I just didn't have time to read and I missed the price jump.  

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: In Style magazine will no longer be published

I just don't think fashion magazines are relevant anymore. Women have access to bloggers, Youtube, and Instagram influencers who are much more relatable than a professional model. These magazines often showed completely impractical outfits that were outrageously expensive on someone who didn't look like us or live like us. The days of 6'0" size 2 models showcasing what we should be wearing are over, thankfully. 

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. ~ Desmond Tutu
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: In Style magazine will no longer be published

@ECBG wrote:

I pulled my subscription years ago.  ALL they wanted to do was put in pictures of "ball" gowns.  Very little "real" fashion.  Ball gowns aren't practical for real life for goodness sake!


In Style promised all of this wonderful information on their cover; the items were 1-3 pages, then they became political!  They killed themselves.


We can get politics anywhere.  Really!

@ECBG - ITA! I used to subscribe too. It seems like all of the magazines I couldn't wait to come are full of political articles. I don't think those belong in fashion magazines. When I saw them in Glamour and GQ I knew they had gone to "the dark side"!




 I want to see fashion and style and read articles about that. I know where to go to read about politics and controversy. Stay out of my fashion and beauty magazines! Smiley Mad

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Registered: ‎01-08-2011

Re: In Style magazine will no longer be published



My largest loss was Bazzar.  I had quit In Style years before the polictic because of all the awards gowns; why would I want that?

Bazzar was really, really good.