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Re: If this is on trend I'm still not buying it

I like it when it's done with a nod to the traditional Eastern dress



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Re: If this is on trend I'm still not buying it

This reminds me of the outfits that some women wear With a head covering

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Re: If this is on trend I'm still not buying it

I live in Phoenix and no one would wear this. You would roast to death in all those clothes. In Arizona we wear enough clothes to keep it legal and not get arrested. Even in winter those are to many clothes.

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Re: If this is on trend I'm still not buying it

There are nicer white sneakers that aren't bulky like the ones I wear to the gym. I have lighter weight, leather white ones that I wear with jeans or my "jeggings"...the closest I get to leggings. In a full length mirror, I usually prefer a black shoe so the line isn't broken and I appear a wee bit taller. 

@ECBG  I walked all through Europe in black jeans and black sneakers. It was more important than my feet could withstand almost 12 hours of sightseeing. Besides, everyone in Paris was wearing ALL did I and felt I fit right in...added bright scarves and red lipstick and VOILA! If you check recent fashion week in Paris, the street look was jeans and white sneakers. Go figure!


BTW, a good walking shoe w/ enough support to stay on 70 yr. old feet for the entire day is just as bulky and not too attractive...often not waterproof. ***Of course, for dinner, I had a low heeled, lightweight suede ankle boot in my backpack. We often stayed out from 9AM to 9PM unless a nice restaurant called for a trip back to the hotel to change for dinner. 

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Re: If this is on trend I'm still not buying it

What used to be considered Mom Jeans, high rise to the waist, are now the jeans of choice. A trend? You can follow or not. 

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Re: If this is on trend I'm still not buying it

The white sneaks are SO 1980's. Even Reeboks are making a comeback. 

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Re: If this is on trend I'm still not buying it

I wouldn't wear that outfit, no.  But I do like/wear white fashion sneakers - not the sneakers in that picture.  

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Re: If this is on trend I'm still not buying it



I love everything about that outfit ... color and style. I would wear that dress/pants w/ pretty sandals.


Years ago on BBC America there were two women who hosted What Not To Wear. These ladies wore dresses over pants all the time. I always thought it looked quite nice. I have several long tunics, down to my knees, that I wear w/ pants. I also wear duster length tops that come down to mid-shin w/ pants. I like the look and don't even veiw it as a trend as much as an option.


Re the picture of the lady in the long floral dress - if she was wearing white leggings the white sneakers wouldn't look so odd and it wouldn't lighten up the entire outfit. I wouldn't wear that particular dress because I don't really wear floral anything and I don't wear crew neck style tops (makes me look too busty).

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Re: If this is on trend I'm still not buying it

[ Edited ]

I love my Adidas Grand Court white sneakers with woven joggers and even occasional summer dress.


This is the color I have. I wear them everywhere.


Image result for adidas grand court with jogger

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Re: If this is on trend I'm still not buying it

@Sugipine wrote:

The white sneaks are SO 1980's. Even Reeboks are making a comeback. 

@Sugipine, yes they are. I bought a pair of those Reeboks last year. I have only worn them a couple of times, but, I like them and they are very comfortable. 

"To each their own, in all things".