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If this is on trend I'm still not buying it

The outfit on Q front page showing white sneakers with black leggings and black flowered full length tunic is odd to me.  I am in a small community but frequently go to Phoenix and Vegas and I've never seen anybody wearing a similar getup.  The only appropriate venue for this IMO would probably be a very very conservative community and probably that community would be in another community.

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Re: If this is on trend I'm still not buying it

As all of the bloggers have been saying, buy a small piece related to a trend if you like it, but it's a "pass" if you don't.  


No way I'm carrying a round handbag like a hat box.  Talk about dated!

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Re: If this is on trend I'm still not buying it

A lot of things are being recycled as new the huge bell-bottom jeans, very full palazzo pants, and fussy-looking blouses. I didn’t like them before, and I won’t be wearing them now.
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Re: If this is on trend I'm still not buying it

Was not what I was expecting!!




I tend to agree.  However, I will say that, if I WERE to wear this, I would probably choose black ballet flats. I could never pull this off and people would think I left the shoes I meant to wear at home!

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Re: If this is on trend I'm still not buying it

I'm not a white sneakers fan and the dress over the leggings is just too long.

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Re: If this is on trend I'm still not buying it

It looks like pajama pants and flowered robe.  I wouldn't wear that out in  public.

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Re: If this is on trend I'm still not buying it

 Go to New York City, and you will see this and more. The look is not unusual at all, in fact when I was young my Aunt wore a similar look. She just wore it with a heel instead of the sneaker. 

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Re: If this is on trend I'm still not buying it

I know several women who dress just like this. Long pants and a long skirt over. Some were born here, some weren't.


They dress in overlapping layers to ensure modesty at all times, which is a priority in their life. And yes, they blend patterns and colours together in atypical ways.


I didn't give that photo a 2nd thought until I saw this thread.

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Re: If this is on trend I'm still not buying it

In a word: Ugh.

What worries you masters you.
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Registered: ‎01-08-2011

Re: If this is on trend I'm still not buying it

NO WAY WILL I wear white sneakers (trainers in Europe) with anything.  

Bye Bye trend!!!Smiley Happy