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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

If on sale, will it go to clearance?

Do sale prices sometimes go back to regular price, or does a sale price usually lead to clearance as the next step?  This "sale" thing is new to QVC and I'm not that familiar with it.  There is a pair of pants on sale price today and I wear them all the time.  They are my go-to pant.  If they are going to be discontinued, I want to buy more now before the colors disappear for good. 

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Re: If on sale, will it go to clearance?

@mia 2

If you contact the Social Team, they might be able to tell  you if there is a re-order or not.  They will need the item number, so when you check back, post the item number and then we can page them.

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Re: If on sale, will it go to clearance?

I think "Sale Price" is like an event or season price and it's short lived, usually goes back to "featured" or regular pricing.

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Posts: 618
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: If on sale, will it go to clearance?

[ Edited ]

Iolakimono~~The item # is A51958, Denim & Co. boot cut leggings  How does one contact the "Social Team"?

Valued Contributor
Posts: 618
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: If on sale, will it go to clearance?

SilleeMee~~That's what I am hoping, and that the Denim & Co. leggings are not being discontinued.  I think some sale prices are just a special for 1 day and go back to regular price.  However a few sale prices have gone to clearanceI think.  Will try to contact "Social team".

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Re: If on sale, will it go to clearance?

If you're looking for real markdowns, go over to HSN.  I regularly get stuff two-thirds to 75+% off.  I just got a really nice Marla Wynne paisley sweater for $15 that had been $90 a few months ago.  Try to get a deal like that at QVC!  What they call sales and clearance are promotions (10-20% off).

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Posts: 54,451
Registered: ‎03-29-2012

Re: If on sale, will it go to clearance?

@mia 2 wrote:

Iolakimono~~The item # is A51958, Denim & Co. boot cut leggings  How does one contact the "Social Team"?








I'm not sure who is on duty this weekend.  Can you help @mia 2 out with the D & Co. item number? Is it on "clearance" or will there be a re-order?


QVC Customer Care
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Registered: ‎06-14-2015

Re: If on sale, will it go to clearance?

@mia 2

At this time we do not believe that these leggings are a discontinued item....items may go "on sale" as a featured price and then back to full price without being discontinued. The D&C leggings remain a popular selling item so see no reason why they would be discontinued at this time.

Beth QVC

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Registered: ‎09-12-2010

Re: If on sale, will it go to clearance?

@Ms X wrote:

If you're looking for real markdowns, go over to HSN.  I regularly get stuff two-thirds to 75+% off.  I just got a really nice Marla Wynne paisley sweater for $15 that had been $90 a few months ago.  Try to get a deal like that at QVC!  What they call sales and clearance are promotions (10-20% off).

I have to actually like the clothing to buy it at ANY price.  I have never seen clothing or shoes I like on HSN.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 618
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: If on sale, will it go to clearance?

I agree that I have never seen clothing on HSN that was right for me.  I stick with QVC.  I just ordered the first thing from HSN in about 3 years  (Colleen's jewelry boxes) and t hey charged me the incorrect price without the discount for buying 2 of them.  I had to call to get it corrected as soon as the package arrived. The packing slip didn't even have the total they billed me.  I had to back track to my account to even find out.   I never have a billing problem with QVC, and I buy so much!   I will stick with QVC as I have since they began.  Also, HSN  told me they keep your credit card on file for 18 months after you close your account.  Wow.