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Re: I went clothes shopping today and the experience made me realize...

I wear plain tee-shirts...daily...unless I am going visiting ....then I put on something nicer...

I received a catalog from Woman Within...their tee-shirts are on sale...and free shipping...lots of colors....I am plus they were $11.99 each...but if you purchase more then three...then the price drops to $9.99....

I purchased 14 of them....and I only paid $139.86.....they will last me a long time...unless I slop food on them....(notorious for that)....I figured its money well spent....

They are 100% cotton.....

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Re: I went clothes shopping today and the experience made me realize...

Yes, agree we pay more for the convenience of not leaving the house! But I have no time to run around and I don't live close to a lot of stores (and I am working), so I am willing to pay sometimes... But if I were not working and had more time, I would use brick and mortar-

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Re: I went clothes shopping today and the experience made me realize...

On 3/21/2015 Celticrose said:
On 3/21/2015 granddi said:
On 3/21/2015 occasional rain said:

Online shopping is good for those who can't get out or who live miles away from shopping centers. For me, I want to see it, touch it, and judge the quality before I buy. There are exceptions, sometimes I get attached to something I see on the shopping channels, something I wouldn't find in B&M, I buy those.

I live in a very rural town about 60 miles from a medium size town with Dillards, Kohls etc. I was recently in San Antonio and spent the good part of a day just browsing in all levels of stores from NM to DSW. I really enjoyed my shopping.

I think you are right. I would not make many of my Q purchases if I had other options. I am finding that Q is one of the more expensive online options because of not only shipping but no real specials. Williams Sonoma has a weekend special of 20% any item (and other specials) and free shipping and the list goes on. I just bought 3 tops from ATaylor @50% off and free shipping.

With all the talk about LR departure, it got me thinking about the psychology of Q shoppers. I think there are several types of Q shoppers: Need convenience of shopping at home, access to products not readily available locally, long time shoppers who are brand loyal to name a few. But I think there is another type of shopper that are entertained by the Q to the level of a reality show. That's not a bad thing, but when the Q talk is concerned with which host will go to Italy, or someone's boyfriend, or cosmetic surgery, then this Q culture takes over common sense in purchasing decisions.

I agree with what you said about shopping at QVC and their various shoppers. For those who can't leave their homes (the most vulnerable to the indecent sales spiels), QVC is just another reality tv show. They have little else to do than get caught up in the hosts' lives, which is encouraged, of course. Btw, I love San Antonio. River Walk, Alamo. Gorgeous.

I believe there is much truth in what has been posted above. One reason has not been touched upon, however. That is the "high" that one feels when arriving home to see the brown box on the front stoop. Let's face it, even if one lives a distance from great shopping, a trip to the big city could be made 4 times a year for seasonal shopping. When I once made many, many online purchases and would get home later than my husband, he would tell me I received another "prize". It is often that very prize that gives us a temporary sense of joy.

But what really boggles my mind is how we might "settle" for those online purchases. Not long ago, I set out to purchase a new pair of black ponte knit pants. I can't tell you how many pair I tried on. Just because I could get them on and they zipped does not mean all are created equally. Subtle differences like 1" in the rise or how a leg is shaped and then, of course, the fabric used can make all the difference in how a garment looks on our bodies.

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Re: I went clothes shopping today and the experience made me realize...

On 3/21/2015 VaBelle35 said:
On 3/21/2015 conlt said:

I love Stein Mart but it is 45 minutes away. I wish they would build one here.

They just built one closer to me, on the way to everything, so I go there weekly now and even signed up for the credit card. There was another one close by, but it was in the middle of no where, on the way to no where and I never thought about going.

When I lived in Orlando, for a year, I shopped at Steinmart -- LOVED that store and I purchased several unique clothing items, that were deeply discounted. I wish there was a Steinmart near me, I really miss it. {#emotions_dlg.crying}

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Re: I went clothes shopping today and the experience made me realize...

I find myself shopping less and less from mail order. I love to go to the malls and we have beautiful ones in NJ, with wonderful high end stores and restaurants. It is like a vacation for me to get out there and shop with my friends or my two teenage daughters.{#emotions_dlg.thumbup}{#emotions_dlg.tt1}{#emotions_dlg.devil2}

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Re: I went clothes shopping today and the experience made me realize...

On 3/22/2015 maryebrown said:
On 3/21/2015 VaBelle35 said:
On 3/21/2015 conlt said:

I love Stein Mart but it is 45 minutes away. I wish they would build one here.

They just built one closer to me, on the way to everything, so I go there weekly now and even signed up for the credit card. There was another one close by, but it was in the middle of no where, on the way to no where and I never thought about going.

When I lived in Orlando, for a year, I shopped at Steinmart -- LOVED that store and I purchased several unique clothing items, that were deeply discounted. I wish there was a Steinmart near me, I really miss it. {#emotions_dlg.crying}

I have never found anything in Steinmart. I'll have to go back a few more times; maybe I just hit it wrong.

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Re: I went clothes shopping today and the experience made me realize...

On 3/21/2015 Celticrose said:
On 3/21/2015 vaccinia said:

You can really clean up at some of the department stores when there's a clearance sale combined with a coupon. Today I went to Macy's to return some shoes, and scored a pair of Nine West leather riding boots, originally $169, for $25 and change! Granted, I won't get much wear out of them for a while, but they are a classic style and will be great to have next fall/winter season.

Yes. I love finding something great for a great price. My husband says I shop like it's my job, but you have to be pay attention, otherwise you'll pay high prices for junk!

So true! I've had my share of experience with off brands at Marshalls and TJ Maxx.

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Re: I went clothes shopping today and the experience made me realize...

I am one who needs to see what I am buying. I feel the fabric and can often judge by looking at a garment if it will fit me. Same with shoes--are the soles flexible or stiff, do they look narrow (not good for me).

I don't spent hours shopping. I pop into stores as the occasion arises and browse around a bit. I'm Fla. now and I recently found a great pair of jeans in Ross for $16.99 in my petite size. Back home in NJ I don't do malls very much but I have Marshalls, TJ Maxx and Nordstrom Rack very close to me.

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Re: I went clothes shopping today and the experience made me realize...

I get so much more out of shopping in actual stores! I love the experience!!!! I am definitely a person who loves the tactile experience. I want all my senses to be involved! I want to see the clothes, feel them, admire them, compare them, try them on, mix and match them, even smell them. Not to mention, comparison pricing is very important!

I have purchased items after trying on that if I had just seen on line, I would never have bought. And conversely, I have been drawn to items on line and not being able to try them on, just imagined what they would look like on me. Sadly --- yuck - disaster! Have to return!

I'm not saying that I never buy on line because I do, but the experience of shopping at real stores just can't be beat!!!!

I find amazing bargains at places like Macy's, Bon-Ton, Kohls, Marshalls.

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: I went clothes shopping today and the experience made me realize...

On 3/21/2015 Tinkrbl44 said:

And ......... when I go to a local B&M store, (drum roll please), I don't pay ANY shipping costs!! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}

If you are really lucky, your local B&M store is a dollar store where quality and selection reigns supreme. (cough, cough) If one wants to indulge in a different quality and selection, it is a 65 mile trip one way which involves time, cost of gas and oil, etc. and lunch if you choose to eat while gone.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.