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Re: I'm surprised no mention of LG's Fashion wkend Dress

@Kabella  Did yours arrive?  I got mine and I like  the way it looks, but i am wondering if I would have preferred the regular length.  I am just 5'2, so I got the petite.  I will probably try it on again tomorrow and decide if I will keep it or reorder it in the longer length.  The blue color is very pretty.

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Registered: ‎02-24-2016

Re: I'm surprised no mention of LG's Fashion wkend Dress

@Roni18  Good Morn! No, I have not received it yet. Its been delayed for some reason. Got an e-mail which said it would arrive yesterday. It should arrive today. I did get charged on the 15th altho I ordered on the 10th.


The different between the petite & regular is 5"'s. I'm glad you like the dress. I would call them directly to see if they have the color & size in the reg. You might prefer the reg. if want it to come below the knee. To be cont. lol!

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Registered: ‎02-24-2016

Re: I'm surprised no mention of LG's Fashion wkend Dress

@Roni18  It arrived finally & I love it. I like the way it fits around the bustline & the sleeves are not tight. It is loose but certainly not a mummu. The lines on the blue flows really nice on the body & the hem does not look like a usual sharkbite tail at all because of the ruffle hem. I like the length on me. Its light weight & just perfect for summer & most of the year here in florida. I like loose for the heat here but not overly loose.


I don't think the other florasl would be as flattering as the the Blue but if Lori had the same pattern in a mauve pink I would order another one.

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Registered: ‎08-22-2013

Re: I'm surprised no mention of LG's Fashion wkend Dress

@Kabella I am glad that you liked it.  I decided that I would just keep it in this length as it will be good for summer.