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Re: I'm probably gonna be in time-out for saying this....

I like the general ""look"".......but the peek-a-boo lace and chiffon trim is definitely NOT for me.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: I'm probably gonna be in time-out for saying this....

The key word here is "similar" styles. I have many Logo tops as well as some I bought for much less at Marshall's. They are not the same in the cut. I rather buy a few pieces that I love from Logo than a bunch that are just ok from Marshall's. I do understand though, her prices are high for those on a budget.
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Re: I'm probably gonna be in time-out for saying this....

On 3/7/2015 winamac1 said:
On 3/7/2015 Kathleen said:

I have quite a bit of LOGO and have seen and tried on what's in the stores.<br /> <br /> I'd rather buy LOGO and have fewer pieces than anything I've seen elsewhere. The look may be similar but the fabrics and construction are not similar.


Construction IS not similar.

ouch!! better you than me, I'm usually the one get{#emotions_dlg.blushing}{#emotions_dlg.confused1}ting grammar lessons. welcome to the club

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Re: I'm probably gonna be in time-out for saying this....

On 4/11/2015 NJ4Jays said:
On 3/7/2015 winamac1 said:
On 3/7/2015 Kathleen said:

I have quite a bit of LOGO and have seen and tried on what's in the stores.<br /> <br /> I'd rather buy LOGO and have fewer pieces than anything I've seen elsewhere. The look may be similar but the fabrics and construction are not similar.


Construction IS not similar.

ouch!! better you than me, I'm usually the one get{#emotions_dlg.blushing}{#emotions_dlg.confused1}ting grammar lessons. welcome to the club

I don't believe that was a grammar lesson. I wrote "but the fabrics and construction are not similar."

Fabrics and construction take a plural verb ARE.

Winamac1's sentence takes a singular verb. She wasn't correcting me at all.

Both sentences are correct.

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Re: I'm probably gonna be in time-out for saying this....

I can't wear them. They show every little pimple/mole on my body. I once put one on and a friend said, "Annie! You have a bug on you! I said, where? She reach under my Logo top and tried to get the bug!

It wasn't a bug it was a mole. Not a big mole. One about the size a little bigger than a pin head!

I don't care for her clothes. Everyone is different.

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Re: I'm probably gonna be in time-out for saying this....

On 4/12/2015 annabellethecat said:

I can't wear them. They show every little pimple/mole on my body. I once put one on and a friend said, "Annie! You have a bug on you! I said, where? She reach under my Logo top and tried to get the bug!

It wasn't a bug it was a mole. Not a big mole. One about the size a little bigger than a pin head!

I don't care for her clothes. Everyone is different.

Oh my, you made me laugh!

That would be certainly be more info than I want to share!

Do the math.
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Re: I'm probably gonna be in time-out for saying this....

I agree...I think she's overpriced.And really,how many versions of basically the same thing can she make?

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Re: I'm probably gonna be in time-out for saying this....

I don't think I could stand all the layering Lori does with her clothes. She has at least 4 layers on now and it makes her look like she gained weight.

Posts: 23
Registered: ‎05-11-2014

Re: I'm probably gonna be in time-out for saying this....

I truly wish her line could hold up through washing but it doesn't. I think if I am paying a good amount they should last a couple of seasons. I hope she understands this and changes either pricing or the quality because I do love her styles.
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Registered: ‎02-02-2015

Re: I'm probably gonna be in time-out for saying this....

One thing I noticed about LOGO is the colors are really beautiful. I haven't seen a color I don't like yet.