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I love this, BUT...

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I saw this gown when looking for something for @Caaareful Shopper, and I loved it.


then I saw the back, and the exposed zipper totally ruins it for me.


How about you?  Have you seen something that you LOVE, but that one detail ruins it for you?

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Exposed zippers are in-style. You see them everywhere...clothes, shoes, bags.

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One trend I won't have trouble passing up.  Wonder if it's cheaper than a good invisible zipper...

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The industrial zippers look good on some items -- jackets, purses, slinky black dress -- but that one doesn't fit the style of the dress at all.

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Re: I love this, BUT...

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I think it's rather smart looking.  I've seen exposed zippers at Dillards and loved it.  


That treatment is rather high end.

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You are right Lola about the zipper.maybe it would have been nicer if the zipper was dyed to match.I like the dress as you say from the front but wholly quacamole you need a figure to pull that one off.

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Wow, zipper or not, I'd buy the dress.  It is so Barbie and that's the highest compliment I pay any article of clothing.

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It gets a plus from me because it could be worn with a bra.

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The zipper is a definate deal breaker for me. Really ugly in my book.