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Re: I can't stop crying.................

On 9/5/2014 granny me said:

Buried mom last week at 83. She had a hip operation and stopped breathing, they kept her on vent and tried to bring her out and she couldn't make it. She too, was full of life, lived by herself, drove, was very active, she lived until she died. What better way to go.

I am so sorry about the sudden loss of your mother.

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Re: I can't stop crying.................

On 9/5/2014 Vivian said: It's good to be able to come to these boards and share our sadness over Joan's passing. We didn't know her personally but we spent many hours watching her on QVC, E, and other media venues. She made us laugh. We will miss her. Although no one knows yet what happened, those who are more closely involved must be asking questions. Was there an underlying condition? How did the sedation/anesthesia in an 81 year old affect the outcome? Did Joan's announced osteoporosis, known to sometimes be related to possible cardiac problems, have any effect? Did Joan's family history (her mother died of sudden heart failure) enter into this? Did Joan have a check-up before the procedure? I have no idea what the answers may be but I'm voicing questions that I hope can be answered for her family's peace of mind. So far autopsy results have been inconclusive. More tests will be done. Her death has stunned everyone so I think people want to know why. We may never know for sure but it's not wrong to ask what happened.

Your correct - it is not wrong to ask -- it is however, wrong to jump to the conclusions the OP did in her original post.

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Re: I can't stop crying.................

On 9/5/2014 CouponQueen said:

How in the world would the OP know that the medical professionals are guilty of anything and by saying she doesn't know what went wrong but they are guilty of medical malpractice. You know that how????

They said there is no evidence of wrong doing.

NYS Health Dept is investigating as they should to make sure all proper protocol was in place total routine ..which is good..Just for everybody's sake!

That said - I liked Joan..thought she was had to know that nothing and nobody was sacred to her..she was a Comedian listened ot her often on Howard Stern where she could be as rude and crude as she wanted..

That said..Joan was 81 had undergone NUMEROUS cosmetic procedures..and general anesthesia ..who knows if she had a underlying condition...she WAS 81..

OP is quick to actually accuse MD's of medical malpractice when she knows absolutely nothing about it.

Accusing somebody of accusations like that in real life can actually result in a lawsuit against the person making statements that are false.

You need to prove the accusations/statements resulted in a loss of income/loss of confidence in their ability/loss of reputation, etc. Which then result in a loss of revenue and professional reputation and you have yourself a winning lawsuit.

The OP could be held Libel for such statements in reality in the legal world...

One person could not use that clinic based on hearsay and if they could prove it..they would win.

I understand being upset and saddened but to make such blanket libelous statements is very wrong. Until it is presented to us that the clinic did not follow protocol and procedure but it has been stated they are being investigated as ROUTINE investigation in instances like this. As they should.

Joan could have stayed home that day, doing nothing ... suffered cardiac arrest and died!

This country is too darn lawsuit-happy and it's evidenced with all the posts on here insisting someone should sue! {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}

How about waiting for the investigation to be over? Duh!

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Re: I can't stop crying.................

Peggy Noonan's tribute (online) is so beautiful. I now love P.N.!
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Re: I can't stop crying.................

Let's not miss the point of this thread. The OP is feeling very sad. If she has a friend she can talk to about it, that would be a good idea. It's a strange world we live in that we can feel so connected to people we don't actually know. A poster on these boards died a couple of years ago and I felt very, very sad for some time after finding out.. even though I had never met her and wouldn't know her in the street if I'd bumped into her.

OP, you are not alone in your sadness, as evidenced by all the threads here on the same topic. Use Joan's death as a lesson - we should be mindful and grateful for every day that we have.

~ house cat ~
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Re: I can't stop crying.................

How many people have had anesthesia at a dentists office? My husband is 83 and needed some teeth extracted and implants put in. He was put out for over an hour. He has a heart condition! I don't believe dentists have life saving equipment in their office (maybe they do) but they certainly are not anesthesiologists.Luckily he was fine but it does bother me that dentists put people under all the time. Are they truly qualified?

I'm horrified at what happened to Joan. She died from respiratory arrest. That means her airway was cut off and she couldn't breathe. Had nothing to do with her heart. If you do not get air, your heart stops. She could have aspirated food from the night before (possible) which would choke you and cut off air. That is the reason you are not supposed to eat 12 hrs before being put under.

The clinic should have responded immediately and opened her airway. They didn't. I read she was without air for 7 mins. That's long enough to kill anyone no matter their age.

Very sad. Everyone should think twice before being put under and it should be done in a hospital setting. However, dentists are another story.

Rest in Peace dear Joan.

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Re: I can't stop crying.................

Thank you Sandra Bennett and Lori Goldstein for talking about Joan in such a kind way. It was really touching. Love you guys!

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Re: I can't stop crying.................

On 9/5/2014 happy housewife said:
On 9/4/2014 Luma2 said:

Are you people all the wives or mothers of doctors? It seems clear that if she had not had this endoscopy, she would have been doing her show Friday night, as planned.

If this procedure was not appropriate or safe for her, the doctor should have told her that. Joan was not a doctor.

Anyone would put up with the discomfort of a raspy voice, if told the procedure was life-threatening.

You can't possibly know this - are you God? She could have had this arrest sitting at home sipping tea. She was 81.

And you are God and can't know whether she would have stayed home and lived to 89 either.

Death of someone who is admired, seen a lot of tv, or of interest to people often causes grief and a sense of loss, even if they are someone we never met. And for each of us it will be a list of different people.

For me, it was JFK, John Lennon and Princess Diana. Those are the ones I think most affected me, along with the shuttle disasters and the fire in the Gemini capsule that killed three astronauts. It is the loss and often the sudden and seemingly senseless loss that I think most affects us. The Kennedy assassination is something I still remember and it is painful to think about. Joan Rivers is a sense of loss of her very unique brand of humor, her tenacity and her zest of life for me. I will really miss her, and I feel so sorry for her daughter.

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Re: I can't stop crying.................

On 9/5/2014 CouponQueen said:
On 9/5/2014 TRUE said:

Grieving tonight over Joan watching E....great job. All I want to say is a few years back in my 60's went in for outpatient meniscus repair. During recovery I said to my son with a nurse there I think I'm going to pass out my heart feels funny. They immediately put an aspirin in my mouth to chew something I never thought I could do....and they said I was going to be transported to the main hospital if my vitals were to not go down - they did and immediately. So I think something like this only worse is what happened. The way she works, her age and all the was her time. Sad for all of us but you never know.

I had a cousin very young had her gall bladder removed .....she was fine until after awhile at home when they took her to ER.....she threw a clot and died. So in this life you never know and it should be a lesson to all of us to appreciate the "now".

I miss her .....and feel so sad for Melissa and Cooper....

LIKE..if we had a like button here..I would LIKE VERY TRUE!!

Thank you CouponQueen

I actually bought a scarf of hers something I would have never bought but in memory of her I do love scarves to hang on a lamp or my armoire ?? in bedroom... I really will miss her on Fashion Police. Sad...

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: I can't stop crying.................

Geez, she lived a good life full of ups and downs like most do. She was not a personal friend so I am not going to wallow in sorrow or cry myself sick every day. I saw her on tv and that is the extent of my knowledge of her. I do wish her daughter comfort as I have lost my mom and that is a hard time. Life goes on.