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Re: I am so over the uneven hems

[ Edited ]

@countrylady wrote:

Oh, I  agree!

I'm over the tucking, too.  


@countrylady  I can't even believe that became a fashion statement. Back in my day (I'll be 60 by the end of the year), if anyone had a shirt not tucked in completely it was not a 'good thing' and the expression mainly used was 'they looked like a slob'. Either the shirt was tucked in completely or not at all.


How things change.

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Re: I am so over the uneven hems

I don't recall saying no one should wear it.  Selfish? 

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Re: I am so over the uneven hems

I totally dislke the floppy sleeves.  Never wore them / never will wear them.


BUT .....  I do like the uneven hems.


I have skirts in the closet that have handkerchief hems that date back to the 90s - and I'm still wearng them and probably will until they are no longer wearable.   Even so, I wouldn't invest in a dress with an uneven hem.  


I partcularly like the hems that slightly dip in the back.  I modified some kntting and crochet patterns to add that detail.  Love the look!



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Re: I am so over the uneven hems

@Pook wrote:

There is so much variety available everywhere why should anyone want to deny anyone who likes them the opportunity to buy and wear what they like?  That's really selfish.  I would say PLEASE no more conservative clothing if I thought like that!!  I don't like it so no one should wear it!!! 

From what i have read no one is telling others not to wear the LOGO style or telling QVC not to have that style available for others who prefer that style....They have offered that style for years............again....expressing an opinion on the clothing styles is just an opinion and posters should be able to do that without being criticized.

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Re: I am so over the uneven hems

@Susan Louise wrote:

@countrylady wrote:

Oh, I  agree!

I'm over the tucking, too.  


@countrylady  I can't even believe that became a fashion statement. Back in my day (I'll be 60 by the end of the year), if anyone had a shirt not tucked in completely it was not a 'good thing' and the expression mainly used was 'they looked like a slob'. Either the shirt was tucked in completely or not at all.


How things change.

I remember in the  late '70s and early'80s the look of a shirt not tucked in all around was the thing and even tying in the front and out in the back was worn.   I have worn shirts and tees that way for many years so it is not a new look!

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Re: I am so over the uneven hems

[ Edited ]

I do not see anyone on this thread saying stop making, selling, presenting, or buying uneven hems.  


I agree with the OP.  I tried a couple of times to wear this style, but nope, just don’t like it on me at all.  I’m over it as well. My fashion opinion.


I do like cold shoulder and interesting sleeve details though.  Smiley Wink

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Re: I am so over the uneven hems

Re:  tucking techniques ...


For me ... it all depends on the top / fabric / style.   SG's liquid knit is perfect fabric for half tucking.   


What I really, really, really DO NOT think is attractive is the top or jacket tied in front a la SG or Shawn.

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Re: I am so over the uneven hems

I too am over the uneven hems mostly, I just bought that rainbow hem dress from Cuddle Duds though and I really like it. I think the mods deleted a post already where someone posted a negative about the LOGO TSV and her fashions in general.

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Re: I am so over the uneven hems

@Pook wrote:

There is so much variety available everywhere why should anyone want to deny anyone who likes them the opportunity to buy and wear what they like?  That's really selfish.  I would say PLEASE no more conservative clothing if I thought like that!!  I don't like it so no one should wear it!!! 

No one is suggesting no one should wear it but simply expressing their particular likes and dislikes.  Everyone has a right to express their opinion whether we agree with them or not and should respect everyone's opinion.  How boring if er all agreed on everything.

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Re: I am so over the uneven hems

@Susan Louise wrote:

@countrylady wrote:

Oh, I  agree!

I'm over the tucking, too.  


@countrylady  I can't even believe that became a fashion statement. Back in my day (I'll be 60 by the end of the year), if anyone had a shirt not tucked in completely it was not a 'good thing' and the expression mainly used was 'they looked like a slob'. Either the shirt was tucked in completely or not at all.


How things change.

@Susan Louise   Yes, many things have changed since we were young (I'm in my late 60s).  Although I don't like the "half tucked" look either, most of the changes have been for the better IMO.  Pink and red were taboo, the color navy and patent leather was only worn in spring, white clothes were only worn between Memorial and Labor days, no mixing of prints (I love mixing prints now! - it's so fun), etc.    There were so many clothing "rules" back then.  Thank goodness we are more free to express our own styles now.