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How do you organize your closets?

I am trying to reorganize my closets and can't decide what way will work best for me.  Do you organize by color, put outfits that go together, by style....  Now I have them organized by skirts, pants, dresses, then by color for my tops.  I know they say to split items apart so you will wear them with other things but that doesn't work for me.  I like to have my outfits together so I can grab and go.  What system works best for you?

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Re: How do you organize your closets?

I guess I just put all my skirts together and all my shirts that are in season together, then when it is time to put an outfit together at least they are there for the season we are currently in. I fold all of my jeans and put them in a hanging organizer.

          I also use Huggable Hangers LOOOOVE them! 


But my shoes need a new organizer...

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Re: How do you organize your closets?

[ Edited ]

I keep mine organized by item - pants, short sleeved tops, long sleeved tops, sweaters, dresses, etc.  

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Re: How do you organize your closets?

My closet is organized by:


- all pants/capris

- short sleevetops

-long sleeve/sweatshirts

-Blazers and dress tops

- dresses


shoes in organizer. I have a ton of room left thanks to the best thing I've ever bought (and still buy!🙄🙊) Joy Mangano's huggable hangers!!! All my closets including coat closet have them!

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Re: How do you organize your closets?

I go with type of item.  Pants, skirts, jeans, shortsleeve tshirts, longsleeve tshirts, bouses, blazers, jackets, heavy sweaters, lightweight sweaters.  Nothing is organized by color.

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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Re: How do you organize your closets?

Mine is organized by color. 

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Re: How do you organize your closets?

I have a small closet - not walk-in - about 5 feet long with double sliding doors. 


On the left side I have 2 rods. The bottom rod is all my tops organized by color. The top rod is skirts, blazers, hoodies, as well as jeans folded once and put on one of those hangers that has rods that swing out so it can hold multiple pairs. The right side is pants by color and also dresses, slips, and robes.  I also have a cloth cubby hole organizer hanging from the rod for folding and strong all my pjs, sweatpants, and t- shirts. 


My handbags sit on the top shelf and my shoes are stacked on the floor in original boxes by color. Boot boxes are under my bed. Sweaters and cardigans are stored in my dresser. 

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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: How do you organize your closets?

[ Edited ]

I have spring/summer clothing on one side of my closet and fall/winter clothing on the other side.  


Garments are separated by category--i.e., shirts and blouses, knit tops, sweaters.  Within each category garments are then sorted by color ranging from lightest to darkest.  


Spring/summer clothing presents more categories as tops are also separated by sleeveless, short sleeve, elbow length and long sleeve. 


ETA:  I hang ALL my clothes--even my pjs.  I absolutely hate folding clothing.


My shoes/boots are on the closet floor in original boxes.  I have 2 shelves over the rods and that is where I store my handbags, jewelry box and perfumes.

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Re: How do you organize your closets?

I organize by color. One wall has short sleeve shirts, one has pants and the other has 3/4 and long sleeves. Not sure it's working for me, but it's an overwhelming project to change it.
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Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Re: How do you organize your closets?

I try to organize by color.  Sweaters are in a separate wardrobe in another room.   I'm lucky to have a dressing room ajourning my bedroom.  So plenty of room for tops, dress pants & dresses/skirts.   Jeans (I have a LOT!!!) are folded in to dresser drawers.  I also add jeggings there too.  I don't wear leggings.  I do have trouble with shoes/boots.  I have a lot of them.  Not too much room to house them.