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@lgfan wrote:

Yes, definately wear the blouse.  I like the retro sixties feel to the blouse.  Are you going to wear it with pants or a skirt?

I'd wear it with leggings, skinny jeans or skinny capris!


I love it.


Don't care how old anyone is.


I wouldn't be reliving any past gone era....I'd be wearing something that I like and would feel great in.

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@Trinity11 wrote:

If you have the same flat stomach and slender rib cage it would look fine. Personally, it has a bit too much going on for me. It is not my style as I prefer solids and it is rare that I wear/wore busy prints.



Disagree.  You do not need a flat tummy for this style top.  It hides the tummy.

Floats gently away from the body.

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@crawford5153 As a fellow shopper in Talbot's this morning said we know who we are so buy for ourselves.


We each had white & blue striped tops in our hands and I laughed and said I really need to stop buying white & black, white & blue clothes.


She said if that's who you are don't fight it.


If you love that top you'll look great in it.

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Very pretty and modern but it's long- If you're tall or have long legs, it will look good. But if your short or short legs, not as good- 

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I'm 70 and I would wear it, not saying that makes it right but if I like something I will wear it.

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@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:

@sunshine45 wrote:

@Carmie wrote:

I am 69 and I would wear it.  It checks off all the boxes for me.


It covers the arms, tummy and backside.  I like the colors too.  It's better than old lady black.


If you feel good wearing it...go for it.  Your age should never stop you from being who you are.



"old lady black?"

black is always in at any age and for any look!


Disagree. Only some people look good in black - navy blue, dark grey or dark brown are better options for others.



everyone can have a pair of black pants!

havent really seen anyone who cannot wear black on some part of their body. not even sure why the term "old lady black" was used?

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Absolutely! Go for it.

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There's  an old saying " age ain't nothin but a number"  I say if you like it wear it ! I would and I'm a bit older than you !  Enjoy your day!

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My bottom line advice: 


buy the top, try it on and look in the mirror.  If you like what you see, keep it.  If you don't like what you see, return it.


The only person who tells me what to wear is the person I see when I look into a mirror.


There's a reason it's called "personal style"

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The fact that you are asking for an honest opinion signifies a question in your may or may not be associated with your changing dressing style.


The print is definitely " retro " also reminds me of costumes for early prairie days.  Perhaps if it were a solid color, it may lose that association.


Suggestion: Try it on with the light blue pants you mentioned and then try on a similarly-shaped top in a solid color.  Then with your new style philosophy, which looks better on you?


Another suggestion: you may want to incorporate some accessory that has either similar colors or print into the solid top outfit that echoes the top in question in this post.  E.g., long oblong floaty scarf, crocheted / fabric handbag, etc.

Whenever I am clothes shopping, I recognize that if I am questioning a color or style then I have my answer: put it back.  If my good friend is with me that day, she says: good choice, someone else will really love it !

I hope that helps!  Good luck with beginning new choices !




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