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Re: Help ID-ing tops from 5/28 AM Style® with Leah Williams???

[ Edited ]

You're great  . The first item # wasn't the right top, but I think you have nailed the 2nd. If not, I don't care, it's close enough for me!Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Help ID-ing tops from 5/28 AM Style® with Leah Williams???


I think the first one is a sold out Attitudes by Renee top (or maybe WWC).

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Re: Help ID-ing tops from 5/28 AM Style® with Leah Williams???

This is a perfect example of why I like to post in the Fashion Forum.  


Such a great group of women trying to help a Fashion sister find the tops she's looking for.


I on the other hand, need my eyes examined.  Still shaking my head on how I missed that C Wonder top, he he he.




Just so you know, we have some cool shoe and handbag sisters in the Community too - in the shoe and handbag forums.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: Help ID-ing tops from 5/28 AM Style® with Leah Williams???






Ladies, can you help @eliz2me out with the first top?Cat Happy

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Re: Help ID-ing tops from 5/28 AM Style® with Leah Williams???

Bernie (or should i say ? ;-), you're right, it is really nice to have so many strangers reach out and help, just out of the goodness of their hearts. Kind of like having the neighbor you can always borrow a cup of sugar from. And it's good to know there are more in the Shoes and Handbags forums. I've got a purse that's going to need replacing soon, but will be reading up, and maybe asking for, tips on style v  practicality v price.


Have a great evening - I'm off to buy my fringe top and chiffon top/capri pants combo while they've still got them in my size...

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Re: Help ID-ing tops from 5/28 AM Style® with Leah Williams???

Thank you so much


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Re: Help ID-ing tops from 5/28 AM Style® with Leah Williams???




Liz (?) it's okay to call my Bernie :-)


I hope you enjoy your new tops.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Help ID-ing tops from 5/28 AM Style® with Leah Williams???

[ Edited ]



Hi! #1 with the pedal pushers is part of a Women with Control ankle pant set item # A262172 in White.  Enjoy! Smiley Happy

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Re: Help ID-ing tops from 5/28 AM Style® with Leah Williams???


thanks for the tip! Deanna was wearing some cute tops during the jewelry shows on Sunday (I think it was). Didn't know about this page!